Harrity Writing Sample Test Challenge for Diverse Candidates

This exercise will test your ability to draft an overview description and a claim for an electronic invention.  Winners of the challenge will receive a free Oculus Quest Virtual Reality Headset!  Contestants must receive a minimum passing score of 90 points (out of 100) to win. The scoring is based off of total points for the following categories: Writing Ability, Technical Proficiency, Following Instructions, and Claim.  The test takes, on average, 2 hours to complete. 

While only the top performers will win an Oculus, Harrity is adding another reason to participate. The firm will donate $100 to its Harrity 4 Charity partner charities for every individual that takes the test. Participants can choose how to divide up the donation between the American Heart Association, ZERO: The End of Prostate Cancer, Inova Children’s Hospital, and No More Stolen Childhoods.

There is a limit of one prize per person. You must be a registered patent agent or attorney with the USPTO and identify as a minority in the patent field to enter. Please contact us if you have not received your registration number yet. 

While Harrity receives hundreds of applications every year, less than 10% of applicants pass the Writing Sample Test.  Can you pass our test?

Challenge Requirements

  1. You are female and/or considered a minority in the legal field, pursuant to the Vault and Minority Corporate Counsel Association (MCCA) Guidelines [African-American/Black, Hispanic/Latinx, Alaska Native/American Indian, Asian, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, Multiracial, Openly LGBTQ+, and/or Individual with Disabilities]
  2. You are registered with the USPTO and reside in the US

Take the Test!

Software Prompt

For the write-up, let’s assume that we receive an invention disclosure form (IDF) from your client, a company that builds mobile phones and mobile phone networks as well as selling applications for those mobile phones and mobile phone networks.  The IDF does not identify any prior art.  The IDF describes this invention as degrading calls to avoid embarrassment.  As the inventor explains to you, sometimes a person may find it impolite to hang up on the other person on a call, so they pretend to be in a tunnel or elevator by making noises into the phone before hanging up.  That way, the other person on the call thinks that the phone call was accidentally dropped.  In the invention, the IDF proposes a mobile phone application that, when activated, automatically and artificially adds noises or other degradation to a call to simulate a call occurring in a tunnel or elevator.  This allows the user to hang up the call quickly without seeming impolite.  Some other relevant features that the IDF identifies include:  1) The user can activate the application using a button, saying a code word, or anytime the user is calling some specified other person.  2) Call degradation could be audio degradation or video degradation.  3) After a call ends, the mobile phone application may automatically send some specified message to the other person explaining that the call dropped because the call occurred in a tunnel or elevator.  The IDF also provides sample figures, which are included here for your use.  If you are not familiar with audio or video modification techniques, then feel free to research them.

Please generate an overview description, to introduce the invention and accompany the sample figures, for the above invention.  The overview should broadly capture the invention and should be approximately 1 to 2 pages in length. Your overview description should begin with a brief description of the problem addressed in the application, the presented solution, and the technical benefits of the presented solution.  In your description of the figures, make sure to explain, in detail, how the mobile phone application can activate, degrade a call, and prematurely end a call.  In your overview description, make sure to explain, in detail, how the mobile phone application can activate, degrade a call, and prematurely end a call.  Also please generate a single method claim of reasonable scope (not too narrow or too broad) in view of your client’s best interests.  Do not generate additional figures or description.  You can see the invention figures (Document A containing Figs. 1A-1D) and examples of what we consider an overview description in the documents below.

Document A

(Figs. 1A-1D)


Document B

Please see the figures and highlighted section below for what we consider to be the overview description.

The writing sample test should be submitted uploaded in Microsoft Word format, with the attachment titled: [FirstName_LastName_WSTchallenge].