Comparing Auto Manufacturer’s Patent Data to Sales, Revenues, and R&D

By Rocky Berndsen, Head of Harrity Patent Analytics


One of my favorite ways to look at patent data is by comparing the data to sales, revenues, and R&D. Here are the top Auto Manufacturers that obtained patents in the US. I’ve included data from our patent database, and from

This stat is interesting – Cars Sold to Patents. There could be a couple of insights drawn from this stat.

Here are some of my thoughts:
1. How much does a company value patenting – a higher ratio may indicate that the company places less value on patenting.
2. How much are patents playing in driving sales – a lower ratio may indicate that patents play a bigger role in driving sales
3. Which companies are innovating the most in the space relative to market size – using cars sold to normalize the quantity of patents provides a more direct benchmark.

Connect with me on Linkedin and let me know your thoughts on this statistic and what other kinds of stats you’d find interesting.

You can find more patent data on the top companies by viewing our Patent 300® List HERE.


About Harrity Patent Analytics

Harrity Patent Analytics, an analytical team within the boutique IP law firm of Harrity & Harrity, LLP, uses cutting-edge capabilities to analyze patent data and extract insights for clients to use when making strategic decisions regarding patent portfolios. Patent 300® companies rely on Harrity Patent Analytics services to understand their patent portfolios, the patent portfolios of their competitors, and patent office trends around the world. For more information, visit