Trends and Implications of Decreasing Average Office Actions Per Patent at the USPTO

By Rocky Berndsen, Head of Analytics

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has been observing a notable trend over the past six years that could have significant implications for patent applicants and the patenting process at large. Data from 2018 through 2023 shows that the average number of office actions per patent—a metric that indicates the average number of communications between the patent examiner and the applicant before a patent is either granted or the application is abandoned—has been consistently decreasing across various technology centers (TCs).

Analyzing the Numbers

In 2018, the USPTO’s overall average stood at 1.631 office actions per patent. As of 2023, this number has dipped to 1.371, marking a significant reduction. This decrease is not isolated to a specific sector but is across the board, including high-volume TCs such as 2100 (covering Computer Architecture, Software, and Information Security), which saw a drop from 2.088 to 1.580, and 3700 (covering Mechanical Engineering, Manufacturing, and Products), which went from 1.901 to 1.551.

Shorter Time to Obtain Patents

A primary implication of this trend is a likely acceleration in the patent granting process. With fewer office actions required, the back-and-forth between the USPTO and patent applicants is reduced, potentially leading to a more streamlined examination process. For inventors and companies, this means a faster path to securing patent rights, which can be crucial for maintaining competitive edges in fast-moving industries.

Lower Costs for Applicants

Each office action typically incurs additional costs for applicants, including attorney fees and potential amendment requirements. A reduction in the average number of office actions can thus translate into lower overall costs for obtaining a patent. This could be particularly beneficial for individual inventors and small businesses for whom cost is a major barrier to securing patent protection.

Implications for Patent Quality

However, while fewer office actions suggest a more efficient process, there could be concerns about the thoroughness of patent examinations and the potential impact on patent quality. The USPTO must balance the efficiency of the examination process with the need to maintain high standards for patentability, ensuring that only novel, non-obvious, and useful inventions are granted patent rights.

Impact on Patent Litigation

A decrease in office actions might also influence patent litigation. Patents that undergo fewer office actions could be perceived as less scrutinized, potentially affecting their defensibility in court. Conversely, this trend might result in patents that are more solid due to a more focused examination process, leading to less ambiguity and fewer grounds for litigation.

Enhanced Predictability for Planning

For businesses and investors, a predictable patent examination timeline facilitates better strategic planning and resource allocation. If the trend of decreasing office actions continues, it may enable more precise forecasting of patent portfolios and related business activities.

In conclusion, the downward trend in the average number of office actions per patent at the USPTO is a positive signal for applicants looking for a quicker and less costly patenting process. However, it’s imperative that this efficiency does not compromise the quality of granted patents—a balance the USPTO is undoubtedly striving to achieve. As we watch this trend continue, the patent ecosystem may need to adapt to the evolving dynamics of patent prosecution and enforcement.

Get in Touch for Insights on USPTO Data

If the information above has sparked your curiosity or if you have specific queries about USPTO data and trends, we invite you to reach out. Understanding the intricacies of patent data can provide valuable insights for your patent strategy and decision-making process. By filling out our contact form, you’ll connect with experts who can delve deeper into the data, provide personalized analysis, and help you gain insight from USPTO data.

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Unveiling the Power of Bubble Charts in Competitive Intelligence: A Quantum Computing Perspective

By Rocky Berndsen, Head of Analytics

In the realm of competitive intelligence, especially within the patent field, traditional metrics such as patent counts have long been the standard for assessing a company’s patent portfolio strength.  However, this quantitative approach often overlooks the qualitative aspects of patents, which can provide deeper insights into a company’s technological prowess and strategic positioning.  Our recent Quantum Computing – Patent Pulse Report introduces an innovative approach to competitive benchmarking that utilizes bubble charts, offering a more nuanced view of the landscape.  To download the complimentary Quantum Computing Patent Pulse Report, CLICK HERE.

Beyond Counting Patents: The Need for Deeper Insights

While the number of patents a company holds is an important indicator of its activity in a particular technology area, it doesn’t tell the whole story.  Two crucial qualitative metrics often overlooked are the influence of a patent, measured by the number of forward citations it receives, and the scope of its claims, typically gauged by the word count of the first claim.  These metrics provide insights into the patent’s potential impact on future technologies and its breadth of coverage, respectively.

The Bubble Chart: A Visual Representation of Patent Quality and Quantity

The bubble chart featured in our Quantum Computing report illustrates how these qualitative metrics can be visualized alongside quantitative ones.  By plotting companies across two axes—average number of forward citations (influence) and average first claim word count (scope)—and using the bubble size to indicate the number of patents held, the chart provides a comprehensive view of each company’s patent portfolio in terms of both quality and quantity.

This visualization technique allows stakeholders to quickly identify leaders in the technology area, not just by the volume of their patents but by their potential impact and breadth.

Insights from the Quantum Computing Patent Landscape

The Quantum Computing – Patent Pulse Report reveals intriguing trends and strategic positions among key players in the quantum computing field.  For example, D-wave Systems Inc. stands out with patents that have the highest average first claim word count and the highest average forward citations.  To download the complimentary Quantum Computing Patent Pulse Report, CLICK HERE.

The Strategic Value of Bubble Charts in Competitive Benchmarking

The use of bubble charts for competitive benchmarking analyses offers several advantages:

  • Comprehensive Insights: It provides a holistic view of a company’s patent portfolio, combining quantity with qualitative metrics.
  • Strategic Decision-Making: Companies can identify not only their position but also their competitors’ strategic focuses, guiding R&D investments and patenting strategies.
  • Identifying Innovation Leaders: Stakeholders can pinpoint which companies are setting the pace in technological advancements, potentially guiding partnership or acquisition decisions.


As the patent landscape becomes increasingly complex, tools like bubble charts that offer multi-dimensional analyses become invaluable.  Our Quantum Computing – Patent Pulse Report is a testament to the power of such analytical tools in revealing the nuances of competitive positioning and technological leadership.  By moving beyond simple patent counts to a richer, more informative analysis, we can gain true insights into the dynamics of innovation across industries.

Maximizing Efficiency: A Case Study on Using the Patent 300® Report for Assessing Law Firm Performance

By Rocky Berndsen, Head of Analytics

In the ever-evolving realm of patent law, in-house attorneys face the critical task of assessing and optimizing the performance of their outside counsel. This blog post delves into a practical case study illustrating how an in-house attorney can leverage the insights from the Patent 300® Company Report to evaluate and enhance the effectiveness of their law firms in patent prosecution.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Analyzing Key Metrics: The report provides comprehensive data, including total patents issued, average cost, office action frequency, and more. By comparing these metrics across different firms, an attorney can identify performance trends and cost-efficiency.
  2. Benchmarking Success Rates: Through examining specific metrics like interview success and extension of time requests, attorneys can benchmark their firms against industry standards, pinpointing areas for improvement.
  3. Cost-Effectiveness Evaluation: The average cost per patent metric is pivotal for assessing the financial aspect of the firm’s performance, helping in making budget-conscious decisions.
  4. Strategic Decision Making: With a detailed breakdown of each firm’s performance, an attorney can make informed decisions about continuing, modifying, or terminating relationships with specific outside counsel.
  5. Future Planning: The technology breakdowns and patent prosecution stats offer insights for future patent strategies, ensuring alignment with the company’s overall IP goals.

This case study exemplifies how an in-house attorney can transform raw data into actionable insights, leading to a more efficient and strategic approach in managing outside counsel for patent prosecution.

By embracing the detailed analysis offered by the Patent 300® Company Report, attorneys can not only assess but also significantly improve their firms’ performance, aligning it with the company’s broader intellectual property objectives.

Download a Complimentary Report on Your Company HERE

Review our Sample Report on Nvidia:

Nvidia - 2024 Patent 300® Company Report

Looking for more detailed analytics on your company or your competitors?


High Level Patent Portfolio Assessment Using Harrity’s Patent 300® Company Report

By Rocky Berndsen, Head of Analytics

Could a Glance at the Big Picture Reveal Secrets to Refining Your IP Strategy?

In the intricate world of intellectual property, IP counsel often find themselves deeply immersed in the minutiae of patents and portfolios. The challenge is real: staying afloat in a sea of detailed legal and technical complexities. But, what if the key to a breakthrough in patent strategy lies in a broader perspective? Could stepping back to observe high-level trends be the game-changer for assessing and enhancing your patent practice?

A Key to Unlock Patent Insights

Our Patent 300® Company Report is more than just a document; it’s a window to a world of strategic insights. With this report, IP counsel can transcend beyond the everyday details and gaze at the bigger picture. This high-level view offers a unique opportunity to understand the broader trends in patenting, helping you refine and realign your IP strategy effectively.

Exclusive Sample: NVIDIA Report

To give you a taste of what our report offers, we have attached a sample report for NVIDIA. This sample includes high-level patenting trends, detailed patent prosecution stats, insights into outside counsel costs, and a breakdown of technological focuses. It’s a glimpse into the kind of comprehensive analysis and strategic guidance that our full report offers.

Nvidia - 2024 Patent 300® Company Report

At Harrity, we believe in the power of perspective. It’s why we are excited to offer a unique tool that unlocks this very insight – the comprehensive portfolio report for companies on the distinguished Patent 300® List.


Your Guide to the Patent 300 Landscape

Are you curious to see who made it to this year’s Patent 300 List? We’ve got you covered. Visit HERE to discover the companies leading the charge in innovation and intellectual property.

Dive Deep into Patent Trends

The Patent 300® Company Report is not just about lists and numbers. It’s a deep dive into the world of patent trends, offering insights into patent prosecution statistics, technology breakdowns, and even metrics on outside counsel costs. This level of detail is invaluable in crafting a strategy that is not only responsive but also proactive in the face of evolving IP landscapes.

Download and Transform Your Approach

Ready to realign your IP strategy? Download your copy of the report HERE. Dive into the details, discover the trends, and start transforming your approach today. The insights you gain might just be the key to unlocking a more refined and effective IP strategy.

Patent Data Reveals Unique Continuation Practice Amongst Patent 300® Companies

By Rocky Berndsen, Head of Analytics

Continuation practice in US patent law refers to a procedure where an applicant files a subsequent application based on the disclosure of a prior non-provisional application, while the prior application is still pending.  This strategy can be used for various reasons, such as refining claims, pursuing different scopes of protection, or keeping a patent family alive as the business strategy or technology develops.  The Patent 300® data, focusing on the highest and lowest percentages of patents issued in 2023 that were continuations, provides fascinating insights into the innovation and patenting strategies of top companies.

Strategic Use of Continuation Practice Found in Numerous Industries

The chart above indicates that companies like Sonos, Edwards Life Sciences, and Ebay lead with the highest continuation percentages.  For example, the data shows that 88% of Sonos’ patents issuing in 2023 were continuation applications.  This approach suggests a targeted approach to innovation, where companies are keen on fortifying their market position by building robust patent portfolios around their core products and services.  Continuation practice allows these companies to create a thicket of patents, making it harder for competitors to navigate without infringing.  It also provides them the flexibility to adapt to technological advancements and market changes by updating or expanding their patent claims.

Moreover, continuation practice might be indicative of a strategic layering of patent protection that enables companies to keep certain innovations under initial protection while testing the market or developing further improvements.  For companies like Palantir and Dolby, whose products involve complex software or hardware, the ability to file continuations means they may have the ability to continually update their patent claims to cover the latest iterations of their technology.

Continuation applications can also serve as a legal strategy to keep competitors uncertain about the final form of the patent claims, which could deter potential infringement or at least make it more difficult for competitors to design around an applicant’s patent portfolio.

Why are some companies not filing many continuation applications at all?

The Patent 300® data also reveals a set of companies that utilize continuation practices minimally in their patenting efforts.  Notably, this list includes a significant number of automotive manufacturers, highlighted above, such as Subaru, Mazda, and Honda, all showing low continuation percentages.  This pattern could suggest a distinct approach to portfolio management within the automotive industry, where innovation is rapid and product development cycles are aligned with manufacturing and release schedules.

Another reason for the minimal use of continuation practice could be budgetary constraints.  Continuation applications incur additional costs, not just in filing fees but also in legal and administrative expenses over time.  For some companies, the cost of maintaining a high number of continuations may not justify the potential benefits.  Some companies may opt to instead focus on obtaining patents for newly developed technologies.

Additionally, the strategy behind claims could influence the use of continuation practice.  Companies may choose to file comprehensive initial patent applications with broad claims to cover their inventions fully from the outset.  This approach could reduce the need for subsequent continuation applications to refine or broaden the scope of the original claims.  Some companies may prioritize filing detailed applications that anticipate future product developments, thereby lessening the need for continuations.

Moreover, the breadth of patenting may reflect an applicant’s innovation strategy.  Companies with a wider range of products and services may prefer to obtain a broader spread of original patents rather than deepening the protection around a narrower technology area through continuations.  This approach can create a more extensive barrier to entry for competitors across a wider technology landscape.  Automotive companies, with their frequent iterations of vehicle models and technologies, might find more value in creating a broad patent portfolio that covers a range of innovations rather than focusing on continuing applications for specific technologies.

In sum, the Patent 300® data offers a revealing glimpse into the nuanced strategies behind continuation practices in patent law.  While certain companies leverage this mechanism to build a dense web of protection around key products, adapting to market and technological shifts, others in sectors like automotive opt for a broader innovation footprint, potentially driven by cost considerations, a preference for comprehensive initial filings, or the strategic spread of their patent efforts across a wider range of technologies.  These divergent approaches underscore the complexity of IP management, where each applicant crafts a strategy aligned with its business goals, market position, and the dynamic landscape of technological advancement.  The data not only reflects the tactical choices of individual companies but also illustrates broader industry trends in patenting, revealing the careful balance between depth and breadth in securing intellectual property rights.

Monitoring U.S. Patent Maintenance Fee Data: A Look at Strategy Shifts

Monitoring U.S. patent maintenance fee data provides valuable insights into the behavior and strategies of patent owners. At Harrity & Harrity, we have been actively tracking this information since 2015. Our analysis reveals a consistent pattern in maintenance fee payments, with data generally falling within a single standard deviation. However, 2020 stands as an exception, with activity moving outside this range for the first time. This anomaly could be attributed to various factors, such as the economic uncertainties of the COVID-19 pandemic or shifts in specific technology sectors.

As we look toward 2024, it becomes increasingly important to observe whether this data will experience further deviations. These trends could indicate either a return to previous payment behaviors or the emergence of new strategic approaches by patent owners. Factors like innovation cycles, market demands, and global crises could all contribute to shifts in data.

For patent owners, the implications of this analysis are significant. A consistent reevaluation of patent maintenance strategies is advisable to ensure alignment with long-term organizational goals and current market conditions. Harrity & Harrity’s commitment to patent analytics and consultative services aims to provide clients with the necessary insights to navigate the complex landscape of intellectual property rights effectively. As we approach 2024, we will continue to monitor these trends closely, offering valuable data to help patent owners stay informed and agile in their maintenance fee strategies.

Check out our Patent Analytics services HERE.

Leveraging AI in Gap Analysis Reports

Gap Analysis Reports are instrumental for companies to understand the comparative strengths and weaknesses in their patent portfolios. At Harrity & Harrity, we have begun to incorporate generative AI technology like ChatGPT to rapidly identify and summarize these crucial differences between portfolios, based on data provided by the Harrity Analytics Team. The use of AI in this context is not just an experimental venture; it presents a significant opportunity to make the patent analysis process more efficient, quicker, and potentially less costly, particularly in matters of litigation and licensing.

Our Patent 300® Dashboard helps users easily filter between companies and technology areas for easy to view gap analysis, which AI can then quickly delineate. Let’s take a case study that involved comparing the patent portfolios of NVIDIA and Intel Corporation. This analysis highlighted several interesting differences and competitive focuses between the two tech giants. For example, NVIDIA has a noticeable lead in ray-tracing technology with 33 patents, while Intel trails with only 13. When it comes to learning methods, a domain essential for artificial intelligence, Intel surprisingly leads with 31 patents as opposed to Nvidia’s 14. In the areas of texture mapping and processor architectures, both companies appear neck-and-neck, each holding five patents, suggesting a mutual recognition of the importance of these technologies. Furthermore, while NVIDIA has made some headway in cooling technologies with four patents, Intel has none. On the flip side, Intel dominates in the domain of remote windowing with eight patents, dwarfing Nvidia’s single patent. Lastly, in terms of the organizational structure of processors, Intel holds twice the number of patents that Nvidia does, with six against three.

The potential implications of this rapid, AI-driven comparative analysis are significant. Firstly, by providing quick and accurate insights into patent portfolios, the AI can significantly reduce the time and financial resources usually required for litigation and licensing processes. Secondly, these insights can also be instrumental for a company’s strategic planning, particularly for directing R&D investments and identifying areas for competitive positioning. Finally, when aggregated across multiple analyses, this data may also serve as an industry barometer, signaling where innovation is heating up and where it is cooling down.

Overall, the integration of generative AI technology like ChatGPT in the patent analysis process offers promising advantages. By parsing large sets of complex data with both speed and accuracy, we are poised to provide our clients with more cost-effective and timely solutions without compromising the quality of insights crucial for strategic decision-making. The challenge now lies in considering how to further harness this technology.

Could there be other facets of the patent field where the capabilities of generative AI could be further explored for better efficiency and cost-effectiveness? Let us know your thoughts!

Check out our Patent Analytics services HERE.

Rocky Berndsen Recognized as World Leading IP Strategist in 2023 IAM Strategy 300 List

Harrity & Harrity is pleased to announce that our Head of Analytics, Rocky Berndsen, has been honored by IAM as a 2023 World Leading IP Strategist. This prestigious award serves to recognize individuals who are at the forefront of developing and executing strategies that maximize the value of intellectual property portfolios.

As stated by, the selection process for this accolade is rigorous and involves confidential online nominations. The comprehensive research methodology includes face-to-face and telephone interviews, as well as email exchanges with senior figures in the global IP community.

This marks the fourth consecutive year that Rocky has earned a spot on the IAM Strategy 300 List, underscoring his consistent excellence and leadership in the field.

“Proud and humbled to be named among the top IP strategists in the world by IAM Strategy 300. It’s a testament to my team’s relentless pursuit of innovation and excellence in the IP world. Grateful for the opportunity to contribute to such a dynamic field!” he shared.

Rocky Berndsen leads the analytics group at Harrity & Harrity, specializing in delivering data analytics services to corporate clients. These services are designed to provide valuable insights and intelligence regarding not only the clients’ own patent portfolios but also those of their competitors, their external legal teams, and the patent industry at large.

Leveraging the Patent 300® Dashboard for Competitive Intelligence

The Patent 300® Dashboard, created by Harrity Patent Analytics, is a powerful patent analytics tool that provides valuable insights into competitive intelligence. It offers a comprehensive view of patent portfolios, prosecution metrics, and technology areas, enabling companies and law firms to make informed decisions and strategic adjustments.

One of the key features of the Patent 300® Dashboard is its ability to provide a high-level view of a company’s patent portfolio. For example, by examining IBM’s portfolio, we can see the overall rank, the percentage of patents obtained, the overall pendency, and the total number of patents. The dashboard also provides a breakdown of the Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) subclasses, giving a clear picture of the technology areas where the company is patenting.

The dashboard also allows for competitive analysis. By selecting a specific technology area, such as transmission of digital information, we can see who the company is competing against from a patent perspective. This feature allows companies to benchmark their statistics against those of the technology field, providing insights into their performance from a patent prosecution perspective.

Another powerful feature of the Patent 300® Dashboard is the ability to analyze law firm performance. Companies can benchmark the performance of law firms working for them, identifying areas of practice where some firms’ stats are higher than others. This can help companies decide who should handle the next case and understand how law firms are practicing.

The Patent 300® Dashboard also provides insights into costs. By customizing costs based on what a company pays for various patent prosecution activities, the dashboard can calculate the actual prosecution history of patents and determine where the costs are. This can help companies benchmark the relative costs of their firms and decide where to allocate their budget more effectively.

The dashboard also offers a portfolio gap analysis feature. This allows companies to compare their patent portfolios side by side from a CPC perspective. This feature can be used for licensing purposes, pre-litigation analysis, and mergers and acquisitions analysis.

The Patent 300® Dashboard additionally provides examiner and art unit statistics, giving a high-level view of examiner and art unit statistics in all prosecution areas. This can be particularly useful for law firms wanting to understand how they are performing in specific technology areas.

Another useful feature of the dashboard is that it provides insights into maintenance fees. Companies can see where the costs are in their patent portfolio and compare their maintenance fee strategies with competitors. This can help companies adjust their maintenance fee strategies and manage their patent portfolio more effectively.

Overall, the Patent 300® Dashboard is a powerful tool for gaining competitive intelligence. It provides a wealth of information that can help companies and law firms make informed decisions and strategic adjustments. Whether you’re looking to understand your patent portfolio, benchmark your performance against the field, analyze law firm performance, manage costs, or gain insights into maintenance fees, the Patent 300® Dashboard has you covered. Check it out now at!

See a detailed tutorial on using the Patent 300® Dashboard for Competitive Intelligence in the video below:

An infographic image depicting the top 15 companies that obtained patents in 2022

Infographic of the Top 15 Companies Obtaining Patents in 2022

Each year, Harrity Analytics releases the annual Patent 300® List, a ranking of the top 300 companies, organizations, and universities obtaining US utility patents.  Patents reflect a company’s investment in innovation and their commitment to protecting their intellectual property.

This ranking is based on a count of the total number of US utility patent obtained in 2022.

The Top 15 Companies represent 15% of the 323,018 total utility patents issued in 2022.  The total patents issued in 2022 dropped 1% from the prior year.

Click HERE for a larger version of the infographic.


Rocky Berndsen Named A World Leading IP Strategist in 2022 IAM Strategy 300 List

Harrity & Harrity is pleased to announce that Head of Patent Analytics, Rocky Berndsen, was selected by IAM as a 2022 World Leading IP Strategist. This award identifies the individuals who are leading the way in the development and implementation of strategies that maximize the value of IP portfolios.

According to, “These world-class IP strategists are primarily identified through confidential nominations made online. However, the extensive research process also involves face-to-face and telephone interviews, as well as email exchanges, with senior members of the global IP community.”

This is the third consecutive year that Rocky has been named on the IAM Strategy 300 List.

Rocky Berndsen is the head of the patent analytics group at Harrity & Harrity. The group’s practice specializes in providing corporate clients with data analytics that focus on gaining insight and intelligence relating to their patent portfolio, their competitors, their outside counsel, and the patent field in general.


Rocky Berndsen Featured in IAM Article: Covid Impact on US Patent Filings

A recent article by Angela Morris for IAM features patent data and insight from Rocky Berndsen, Head of the Harrity Patent Analytics Team. Using the annual Patent 300® report, Rocky provides reasoning for the apparent decline in patents from major players since the start of Covid.

“The slide in patent grants means something, according to Rocky Berndsen, head of patent analytics at Harrity & Harrity, which conducted the data analysis.

First, it could be indicative of changing prosecution patterns. ‘Thinking back, 2020 was the covid year. It was really when it started hitting and we all had the shut-downs. But some of the impact is showing in the 2021 data. We had a drop-off in 2021 as a result of what was happening in 2020. There is a lag that happens in the patent field with filings and prosecution budgets,’ explains Berndsen.”

Read the full article at HERE.

Learn more about our patent analytics capabilities by visiting the Harrity Analytics site HERE.

AT&T Slips in Patent Rankings, Rocky Berndsen Quoted for DBJ

A recent article by Brian Womack, Staff Writer for Dallas Business Journal, referred to data and expertise from Rocky Berndsen and the Harrity Patent Analytics Team’s Patent 300® report over the decline in patents from wireless conglomerate AT&T.

“AT&T lost some ground with patent numbers, a report shows — though an executive said fluctuations aren’t anything new. The company saw the number of utility patents issued fall 26% in 2021 compared to 2020, according to the Patent 300 List by Harrity Patent Analytics. The Dallas telecommunications giant’s ranking slipped to No. 36 from the No. 27 spot in the previous year, according to Rocky Berndsen, head of patent analytics at Harrity & Harrity,” Womack begins.

Read the full article at HERE.

Learn more about our patent analytics capabilities by visiting the Harrity Analytics site HERE.

Top Medical Device Companies in 2021 US Patents

Top Medical Device Companies in 2021 US Patents

By Rocky Berndsen, Head of Harrity Analytics

Medical devices are a $432 billion dollar global industry and here are the top 20 companies patenting in the US. Overall, these companies obtained 8% fewer patents in 2021 compared to 2020. Most of these companies are filing first in the US, with Philips as an exception.

Over 40% of the patents issued are continuations, Considering that the average number of continuations in 2021 was 23%, this shows the strategic continuation patenting in the medical device space.

Of note is the variability in the average office actions per patent and RCEs per patent statistics in the medical device space. The highest office actions per patent is 2.4 and the lowest is 1.3. The highest RCEs per patent is 0.8 and the lowest is 0.3.

Kudos to Johnson & Johnson, Medtronic, Philips, Boston Scientific, Stryker, Abbott, BD, SHIMADZU CORPORATION, Intuitive, and Baxter International Inc. for making the top 10!

Learn more about our patent analytics capabilities by visiting the Harrity Analytics site HERE.

Business Methods Patents Are Alive & Well!

By Rocky Berndsen, Head of Harrity Patent Analytics

Business Method patents are alive and well! Here is a list of the top 25 companies that obtained patents in 2021 in the business method art units at the USPTO.

Surprisingly, this is one of the few areas where we see year over year growth in patenting. This increase in patenting may be due to the sea change that we’ve seen in how the USPTO has handled the prosecution of business method patents.

There is some interesting variation in the patent prosecution metrics for companies obtaining patents in this space. This list is a who’s who of high-technology and fin-tech companies.

I’m surprised to see that significant percentage of patents in this space that are con/div.

What do you think? Find me on Linkedin and let me know your thoughts!

Want to see more interesting patent analytics? Check out our newest Patent 300® list here!


About Harrity Patent Analytics

Harrity Patent Analytics, an analytical team within the boutique IP law firm of Harrity & Harrity, LLP, uses cutting-edge capabilities to analyze patent data and extract insights for clients to use when making strategic decisions regarding patent portfolios. Patent 300® companies rely on Harrity Patent Analytics services to understand their patent portfolios, the patent portfolios of their competitors, and patent office trends around the world. For more information, visit


Comparing Auto Manufacturer’s Patent Data to Sales, Revenues, and R&D

By Rocky Berndsen, Head of Harrity Patent Analytics


One of my favorite ways to look at patent data is by comparing the data to sales, revenues, and R&D. Here are the top Auto Manufacturers that obtained patents in the US. I’ve included data from our patent database, and from

This stat is interesting – Cars Sold to Patents. There could be a couple of insights drawn from this stat.

Here are some of my thoughts:
1. How much does a company value patenting – a higher ratio may indicate that the company places less value on patenting.
2. How much are patents playing in driving sales – a lower ratio may indicate that patents play a bigger role in driving sales
3. Which companies are innovating the most in the space relative to market size – using cars sold to normalize the quantity of patents provides a more direct benchmark.

Connect with me on Linkedin and let me know your thoughts on this statistic and what other kinds of stats you’d find interesting.

You can find more patent data on the top companies by viewing our Patent 300® List HERE.


About Harrity Patent Analytics

Harrity Patent Analytics, an analytical team within the boutique IP law firm of Harrity & Harrity, LLP, uses cutting-edge capabilities to analyze patent data and extract insights for clients to use when making strategic decisions regarding patent portfolios. Patent 300® companies rely on Harrity Patent Analytics services to understand their patent portfolios, the patent portfolios of their competitors, and patent office trends around the world. For more information, visit


Harrity Analytics Announces Top Patent Firms of 2021


WASHINGTON (January 20, 2022) –  Harrity Patent Analytics is excited to announce the Top Patent Firms of 2021. The list, published annually, ranks industry-leading patent law firms based on the total number of U.S. utility patents issued in the past year.

The 2021 Top Patent Firms list incorporates multiple categories of prosecution statistics, including 7 new categories, such as rank in US First Filings and rank in Foreign Priority Filings.

Fish & Richardson surpasses Oblon for the first time in list history, taking the #1 spot in both overall and US first filings. Other notable changes on the list include Kilpatrick Townsend dropping from the #7 spot to #11, and Foley & Lardner moving up from #8 to #5.  Some newcomers to the list in 2021 include Kacvinsky Daisak Bluni at #109, and Fig. 1 Patents at #282.

The Top 10 firms of 2021 in overall utility patents are:

  1. Fish & Richardson P.C. (5025)
  2. Oblon McClelland Maier & Neustadt LLP (4620)
  3. Sughrue Mion PLC (4398)
  4. Cantor Colburn LLP (3652)
  5. Foley & Lardner LLP (3416)
  6. Oliff PLC (3297)
  7. Birch Stewart Kolach & Birch LLP (3250)
  8. Knobbe Martens Olson & Bear LLP (3014)
  9. Shwegman Lundberg & Woessner P.A. (2995)
  10. Harness Dickey & Pierce PLC (2963)


“The differences on this year’s Top Patent Firm rankings align with what we saw on the Patent 300®, with big companies filing less patents than in previous years, and therefore the law firms doing their work obtaining less patents – likely due to budgetary restraints imposed by the ongoing pandemic. The list demonstrates which patent firms are still big players, while providing insight for both clients and firms to make strategic decisions moving forward,” states Rocky Berndsen, Head of Harrity Patent Analytics.

The Top Patent Firms list is accompanied by an interactive dashboard and includes patent firms that have obtained at least 50 U.S. utility patents where the patent firms are listed on the front of the utility patents. Company legal departments have not been eliminated from the list.  The full list is available here.

About Harrity Patent Analytics

Harrity Patent Analytics, an analytical team within the boutique IP law firm of Harrity & Harrity, LLP, uses cutting-edge capabilities to analyze patent data and extract insights for clients to use when making strategic decisions regarding patent portfolios. Patent 300® companies rely on Harrity Patent Analytics services to understand their patent portfolios, the patent portfolios of their competitors, and patent office trends around the world. For more information, visit


Harrity Analytics Releases 2022 Design Patent 100 List


List ranks top 100 companies, organizations, and universities in the design patent field

WASHINGTON (January 11, 2022) – Harrity Patent Analytics has released the 2022 publication of its annual Design Patent 100 List.  The list ranks the top 100 companies, organizations and universities in the patent field based on the total number of U.S. design patents issued in the past year.  The top 10 innovators from the 2022 Design Patent 100 List include:

  1. Samsung (615)
  2. Nike (541)
  3. Apple (438)
  4. LG (220)
  5. Ford (210)
  6. Alphabet (209)
  7. MASCO Corporation (194)
  8. Tata Sons (159)
  9. Porsche (152)
  10. P&G (141)

Samsung Electronics surpassed Nike to take the #1 spot, with a 4% increase from last year. Nike dropped to the #2 position with a 22% decrease from last year.  Overall, this year’s Top 10 saw an average 1% decrease from the previous year.  Other notable changes include MASCO Corporation’s debut to the Top 10, ranking 7th with a 59% increase, and Spigen Inc, dropping off the Top 10 to #12, with a 46% decrease. Bissell Homecare had the largest increase in design patents since 2020, at 1500%.

“The Design Patent 100 List identifies the global innovation leaders obtaining design patents in the United States,” said Rocky Berndsen, Head of Analytics for Harrity & Harrity. “The data contained in the Patent 300® Dashboard, such as the Design Patent 100 List, provides invaluable information to companies, in-house counsel, marketing teams, and law firms alike because it identifies the key players in design innovation and summarizes what is happening today in the patent world.”

For detailed analytics on the Design Patent 100, visit Harrity’s Patent 300® Dashboard, the intellectual property industry’s premier resource for patent insights and competitive intelligence on the world’s leaders in technology and design innovation.  The Dashboard contains analytics on more than 6,000,000 patents, including patent portfolio analyses, detailed patent prosecution insights, technology area breakdowns, and portfolio cost and budget analytics.

About Harrity Patent Analytics

Harrity Patent Analytics, an analytical team within the boutique IP law firm of Harrity & Harrity, LLP, uses cutting-edge capabilities to analyze patent data and extract insights for clients to use when making strategic decisions regarding patent portfolios. Patent 300® companies rely on Harrity Patent Analytics services to understand their patent portfolios, the patent portfolios of their competitors, and patent office trends around the world. For more information, visit


A Look at Patent 300® Companies’ Office Actions Per Patent


By Rocky Berndsen, Head of Harrity Analytics

One of the stats I find most interesting in the patent field is the office action per patent statistic. There can be so many reasons why this statistic could vary so greatly from company to company. Here are a few of my ideas on the factors that go into it.

1. Filing strategy / Claim breadth – some filers will fight tooth and nail for every claim, whereas, other filers are just trying to get to allowance as quickly as possible.

2. Technology area – some technology areas may be more difficult to get patents in for a number of reasons (e.g., quality prior art, large numbers of filings, patentability issues).

3. Prosecution quality – the quality of prosecution quality varies from firm to firm, and even from attorney to attorney.

4. Foreign priority – apps with foreign priority tend to have fewer office actions per patent and typically will have fewer claims.

5. Budget/Cost consideration – prosecution strategy may be impacted by budget and therefore applications that reach higher numbers of office actions or RCEs may be abandoned.

6. Continuation strategy – continuation filings will tend to have fewer office actions than original priority filings.

Below, you can see the Patent 300® Companies with the highest and lowest office actions per patent.

I’d love to hear if you have any additional thoughts on the factors that go into these OA statistics.

The official 2022 ranking of the top 300 companies, organizations and universities can be found here. You can find more information regarding prosecution statistics in the interactive Patent 300® Dashboard here.


About Harrity Patent Analytics

Harrity Patent Analytics, an analytical team within the boutique IP law firm of Harrity & Harrity, LLP, uses cutting-edge capabilities to analyze patent data and extract insights for clients to use when making strategic decisions regarding patent portfolios. Patent 300® companies rely on Harrity Patent Analytics services to understand their patent portfolios, the patent portfolios of their competitors, and patent office trends around the world. For more information, visit


Law 360: IBM, Samsung Keep Top Spots On Annual Patent 300® List

Law360 publishes report based on Harrity Analytic’s annual Patent 300® List.

Law360 (January 6, 2022, 7:42 PM EST) — IBM Corp. maintained its long-running status as the top patent owner in 2021 while Samsung clocked in close behind, but patent grants to companies that notched a spot on the list highlighting the top 300 patent owners released Thursday were largely down…

Rocky Berndsen, head of patent analytics at Harrity & Harrity, told Law360 in an interview that the drops in patent grants in 2021 can be partly attributed to budget considerations spurred by the pandemic.

“Anecdotally, what we can see from this year’s list is that some companies have been more strategic with what patent applications they continued to prosecute in light of those budget considerations,” Berndsen said. “Maybe last year, or the year before, they would’ve filed or prosecuted more applications. But they decided to drop some, and so we’re seeing the results of that in this year’s list.”

But there were some companies that landed on the list for the first time, including JPMorgan Chase & Co. at 275. Berndsen said that reflects growth happening in the fintech world.

“There’s a lot of technology development in fintech, and we’re seeing a lot of that with a company like JPMorgan Chase making the list for the first time this year,” he said.

Read the full Law360 report by Britain Eakin here.


About Harrity Patent Analytics

Harrity Patent Analytics, an analytical team within the boutique IP law firm of Harrity & Harrity, LLP, uses cutting-edge capabilities to analyze patent data and extract insights for clients to use when making strategic decisions regarding patent portfolios. Patent 300® companies rely on Harrity Patent Analytics services to understand their patent portfolios, the patent portfolios of their competitors, and patent office trends around the world. For more information, visit


Harrity Analytics Releases 2022 Patent 300® List


Top 300 innovators in the patent field ranked by patents obtained

WASHINGTON (January 6, 2022) – Harrity Patent Analytics is excited to announce the release the 2022 Patent 300® List.  The annual list ranks the top 300 companies, organizations and universities in the patent field based on the total number of U.S. utility patents issued in the past twelve months.  The top 20 players from the newly published Patent 300® List include:

  1. IBM (8540)
  2. Samsung Electronics (8517)
  3. LG Corporation (4388)
  4. Canon (3400)
  5. Huawei (2955)
  6. Intel (2835)
  7. TSMC (2807)
  8. Toyota (2753)
  9. Raytheon Technologies (2694)
  10. Sony (2624)
  11. Apple (2591)
  12. Microsoft (2453)
  13. Qualcomm (2165)
  14. BOE Technology (2141)
  15. Amazon (2110)
  16. Dell Technologies (2053)
  17. Alphabet (2015)
  18. Micron (1798)
  19. Panasonic (1715)
  20. Ford (1675)


IBM maintains the top spot in the list despite a significant drop in total patents with their spin-off of Kyndryl.  Notably, TSMC, Qualcomm, and Micron moved up the list, whereas Microsoft and Raytheon Technologies moved lower.  The biggest overall change in the list is the fact that total patents obtained by the Patent 300® was 22,358 fewer in 2021 than in 2020.  The list accounts for 54 percent of the more than 340,000 U.S. patents issued in 2021.

“The Patent 300® list, year after year, provides a barometer for the most innovative companies in the world”, says Rocky Berndsen, Head of Patent Analytics at Harrity & Harrity.  “You can really see who is innovating in dozens of different industries and also see who the up-and-coming technology companies are”.

Harrity Patent Analytics additionally offers the Patent 300® Dashboard for more detailed analytics on the Patent 300® List.  The dashboard is the intellectual property industry’s premier resource for patent insights and competitive intelligence on the world’s leaders in technology, containing analytics on more than 6,000,000 patents, including patent portfolio analyses, detailed patent prosecution insights, technology area breakdowns, and portfolio cost and budget analytics.

The Patent 300® Dashboard provides in-house counsel, law firm partners, marketing teams, and c-suite executives with a detailed analysis of the world’s technology leaders, ranging from technology giants such as IBM (ranked #1) and Samsung (ranked #2), to leading universities such as MIT (ranked #108) and Johns Hopkins University (ranked #276), to newcomers including Kyndryl (ranked #117) and Snowflake (ranked #276).

The official 2022 ranking of the top 300 companies, organizations and universities can be found here.


About Harrity Patent Analytics

Harrity Patent Analytics, an analytical team within the boutique IP law firm of Harrity & Harrity, LLP, uses cutting-edge capabilities to analyze patent data and extract insights for clients to use when making strategic decisions regarding patent portfolios. Patent 300® companies rely on Harrity Patent Analytics services to understand their patent portfolios, the patent portfolios of their competitors, and patent office trends around the world. For more information, visit


Rocky Berndsen Named part of the World’s Leading IP Strategists in IAM Strategy 300 List

Harrity & Harrity is pleased to announce that Head of Patent Analytics, Rocky Berndsen, was selected by IAM as a World Leading IP Strategist. This award identifies the individuals who are leading the way in the development and implementation of strategies that maximize the value of IP portfolios.

Rocky Berndsen is the head of the patent analytics group at Harrity & Harrity. The group’s practice specializes in providing corporate clients with data analytics that focus on gaining insight and intelligence relating to their patent portfolio, their competitors, their outside counsel, and the patent field in general.


Titans of Technology Blockchain

Titans of Technology: Blockchain / The Top Companies in Blockchain Patents 2021

By Rocky Berndsen

Blockchain patenting has been exploding since 2016 and with Bitcoin and Ethereum hitting new all-time highs this year, Harrity Analytics decided to refresh their 2019 analysis of the blockchain patent space, in order to find out which companies are now patenting heavily in blockchain technology and in which countries patents are being obtained.



Harrity Analytics has created a nine page interactive dashboard that gives users the ability to view the blockchain technology landscape by 1) countries, 2) worldwide companies, 3) US patents by company, 4) Chinese patents by company, 5) Korean patents by company, 6) EPO patents by company, 7) Competitive Analysis / Gap Analysis, 8) filing trends, 9) patent trends.  Try the dashboard below.



The top ten countries or jurisdictions in the blockchain patent space are China, the United States, Korea, EPO, PCT, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, Canada, and Australia.  China currently leads the number of active blockchain patents and pending applications with 34,562, a vast majority of those, 28,476, are pending applications. The United States is second in patenting with 8,759 active patents and pending applications. Korea is third with 4,035 active patents and pending applications in blockchain technology. Below is a chart showing totals for the top ten countries in the blockchain patent space.


Top Countries in Blockchain Patents 2021

Country/JurisdictionPatentPending ApplicationGrand Total
United States321855418759
Europe (EPO)32919592288
WIPO (PCT)020182018


The top companies in the blockchain patent space vary based on the country or jurisdiction where the patenting is occurring. A worldwide view shows that most of the top companies in blockchain patenting are Chinese companies. With Alibaba, Ping An, Advanced New Technologies, and Tencent rounding out the top 4. Below is a chart of the top companies in the blockchain patent space worldwide.


Top Companies in Worldwide Blockchain Patents & Pending Applications - 2021

CompanyActive Worldwide Patents and Pending Applications
Alibaba Group Holding Ltd2588
Ping An Insurance (group); Company Of China, Ltd.2075
Advanced New Technologies Co., Ltd.1914
Tencent Holdings Ltd1703
Nchain Holdings Limited1196 Co., Ltd1094
International Business Machines Corp.962
Shenzhen Oneconnect Technology Co., Ltd.587
China United Network Communications Group Company Limited516
Baidu, Inc.429
Hangzhou Fuzamei Technology Co., Ltd.378
Mastercard Incorporated361
Bizmodeline Co Ltd320
China Pingan Property Insurance Stock Co., Ltd.288
Shenzhen Onething Technology Co., Ltd.257
Siemens Ag248
Shenzhen Qianhai Webank Co., Ltd.244
Shandong Aichengshiwang Information Technology Co., Ltd.222
Beijing Aimoruice Science And Technology Co., Ltd.222
Accenture Plc208
Bank Of China, Ltd.199
Visa Inc.192
Jiangsu Rongye Technology Company Limited187
Shenzhen Launch Tech Company Limited186
Microsoft Corporation185
Sony Corporation182
Huawei Investment & Holding Co., Ltd.180
Bank Of America Corporation169
Hangzhou Qulian Technology Ltd.155
Fujitsu Limited154
Taikang Life Insurance Co., Ltd.145
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.145
Intel Corporation145
Iallchain Co., Ltd.145
Hangzhou Qulian Technology Co.,ltd.145
Beijing Jingdong Shangke Information Technology Co., Ltd.143
Industrial & Commercial Bank Of China Ltd.142
Beijing Aimo Ruice Technology Co., Ltd.140
Zhongan Information Technology Services Co., Ltd.132
Capital One Financial Corp.132
Panasonic Corporation129
Guangdong University Of Technology123
Dell Technologies Inc.123
Nec Corporation122
Pingan Ind Co Ltd121
Xidian University107
Jpmorgan Chase & Co.107
Hitachi, Ltd.100
Shanghai Dianrong Information Technology Co., Ltd.98
Toronto-dominion Bank97
Nokia Corporation97
University Of Electronic Science And Technology Of China94
Hangzhou Yunphant Network Technology Co., Ltd.94
Black Gold Coin, Inc.90
Robert Bosch Gmbh89
One Connect Smart Technology Co., Ltd. (shenzhen)89
Lenovo Group Limited88
Shandong Icity Network Information Technology Co., Ltd.86
Nanjing University Of Posts And Telecommunications85
Toyota Motor Corporation82
Beijing Rui Zhuo Xi Tou Technology Development Co., Ltd.82, Inc.81
State Grid Corporation Of China80
Chongqing University80
Telefonaktiebolaget Lm Ericsson78
Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company76
Wal-mart Stores, Inc.75
China Unionpay Co., Ltd.75
Beijing Hai Yi Tong Zhan Information Technology Co., Ltd.74
Oracle Corporation73
Beijing University Of Posts And Telecommunications73
China Southern Power Grid Co Ltd72
Chinese Academy Of Sciences71
Beijing University Of Technology71
Bubi (beijing) Network Technology Co., Ltd.70
Ford Motor Company69
Webank Spa68
Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp.68
Qihoo 360 Technology Co., Ltd.67
Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri A.s.66
Beijing Ruice Technology Co., Ltd.66
Strong Force Tx Portfolio 2018, LLC65
The Government Of Germany63
Tsinghua University63
Paypal Holdings, Inc.63
Hangzhou Rivtower Technology Co., Ltd.63
Cloudminds (shenzhen) Holdings Co., Ltd.63
Shandong Inspur Qualink Technology Co., Ltd.62
Electronics And Telecommunications Research Institute62
Sap Se61
Beihang University61
Wuhan University60
Deutsche Telekom Ag60
Aisino Co., Ltd60
General Electric Company59
Kt Corporation58
Cisco Systems, Inc.57
Netmarble Corporation56
Shaanxi Medicine Chain Block Chain Group Co., Ltd.55
Ygsoft Inc.54
China Mobile Communications Corporation54
Aowei Information Technology (jiangsu) Co., Ltd.54
AT&T Inc.53
Sinochem Corporation52
State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company51
Gold Exchange51
Sinochain Tech Co Ltd49
Metaps Plus Inc.49
Zhejiang University48
China Construction Bank48
Bt Group Plc48
Keb Hana Bank47
Zhongshan University46
Hunan University45
American Express Company44
Netease, Inc.43
Innogy Se43
Instinct Block Chain Technology Co Ltd43
Kangjian Information Technology (shenzhen) Co., Ltd.42
Jinan University42
The Boeing Company41
Honeywell International Inc.41
Americorp Investments LLC41
Tzero Ip, LLC40
Zhongchao Credit Card Industry Development Co., Ltd.40
Tencent Cloud Computing (beijing) Co., Ltd.40
Nippon Soda Co., Ltd.40
Myomega Systems Gmbh40
Fudan University40
Coinbase, Inc.40
Anhui Gaoshan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.40
Shanghai Vechain Information Technology Co., Ltd.39
Infobank Corp.39
Tenpay Payment Science And Technology Co., Ltd.38
Shenzhen Ansike Electronic Tech Co Ltd38
Shanghai Jiaotong University38
Merck Kgaa38
Huazhong University Of Science & Technology38
Ebay Inc.38
Beijing Octa Innovations Information Technology Co., Ltd.38
Nasdaq, Inc.37
Jiangsu Hengbao Intelligent System Technology Co., Ltd.37
Beijing Peersafe Technology Co., Ltd.37
Beijing Oracle Chain Technology Co., Ltd.37
Micron Technology, Inc.36
Jinan Inspur Hi-tech Investment Development Co., Ltd.36
Institute Of Information Engineering Cas36
Wells Fargo & Company35
Tianjin University35
Trueseen Ltd.35
Hangzhou Cryptape Technology Co., Ltd.35
Zall Research Institute Of Smart Commerce (wuhan) Co., Ltd.34
Digital Asset (switzerland) Gmbh34
China Zheshang Bank Co Ltd34
Beijing Lan Kong Ke Chuang Technology Co. Ltd34
Atos Se34
United Services Automobile Association33
Thales Sa33
Sony Group Corporation33
Liannong (shenzhen) Information Technology Co., Ltd.33
Chengdu Stacs Technology Co., Ltd.33
Shenzhen Zhishuilian Technology Co., Ltd.32
Shenzhen University32
Shanghai Wanxiang Blockchain Inc.32
Swirlds, Inc.31
Royal Bank Of Canada31
Inveniam Capital Partners, Inc.31
Hepu Technology Development (beijing) Co., Ltd.31
Fisher Rosemount Systems Inc31
Beijing Wodong Tianjun Information Technology Co., Ltd.31
Beijing Kingsoft Internet Security Software Co. Ltd.31
Beijing Institute Of Technology31
Beijing Hai Tong Technology Co Ltd Emori31
Zhong Information Technology Service Co., Ltd.30
Verizon Communications Inc.30
Lbxc Co., Ltd.30
Inspur Group Co., Ltd.30
China Citic Bank Co Ltd30
Lapsechain Sa C/o Leax Avocats29
Hefei Dappworks Technology Co., Ltd.29
Daimler Ag29
Beijing Kingsoft Cloud Network Technology Co., Ltd.29
Algorand Inc.29
Winklevoss Ip, LLC28
Sogang University Research & Business Development Foundation28
Strong Force Intellectual Capital, LLC28
Porsche Automobil Holding Se28
Eygs Llp28
Guangzhou University28
Foshan Yisu Jusen Technology Co., Ltd.28
East China Normal University28
Avaya Inc28
Blockchain Asics, Inc.28
Zhejiang Gongshang University27
Workday, Inc.27
Shimadzu Corporation27
Sichuan Homwee Technology Co Ltd27
Shanghai Gonglian Information Technology Co., Ltd.27
Nhn Corporation27
Neusoft Corporation27
Modernity Financial Holdings, Ltd.27
Chung-ang University27
Abmax Biotechnology Co Ltd27
Union Mobile Pay Ltd26
Shenzhen Golo Chelian Data Technology Co., Ltd.26
Shenzhen Leiling Guangtong Technology Research And Development Co., Ltd.26
Northern Trust Corporation26
Hangzhou Gandao Technology Co., Ltd.26
Southeast University25
Shenzhen Jiupin Air Purification Technology Co., Ltd.25
Shaanxi Medical Chain Blockchain Group Co., Ltd.25
R3 Ltd.25
Shanghai Youyang Xinmei Information Technology Co., Ltd.25
Shanghai Distributed Technologies Co., Ltd.25
Ping'an Consumer Finance Co., Ltd.25
Peking University25
Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School25
Institute Of Computing Technology Of The Chinese Academy Of Sciences25
Foshan University25
Gree Group Co., Ltd.25
Beijing Tiandihexing Technology Co., Ltd.25
Beijing Haiying Institute Of Science And Technology Information25
Vechain Global Technology
Zte Corporation24
Thomson Reuters Corporation24
Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd.24
Softbank Corp.24
Jindie Software (china) Co., Ltd.24
Juzix Technology (shenzhen) Co., Ltd.24
Innovative And Advance Technology Co., Ltd.24
Fubon Financial Holding Co Ltd.24
General Motors Company24
Dcun Corporation24
Cme Group Inc.24
Bitflyer Blockchain, Inc.24
Beijing Insight Chain Technology Co., Ltd.24, Inc.24
Sichuan University23
South China University Of Technology23
Shenzhen City Naishidi Technology Development Co. Ltd.23
Shanghai Insurance Exchange Co., Ltd.23
National University Of Defense Technology Of The Chinese People's Liberation Army23
Putian City Zhuhuo Information Technology Co., Ltd.23
Nantworks, LLC23
Launch Tech Company Limited23
Fujian University Of Technology23
Denso Corporation23
Cryptape Inc.23
Boe Technology Group Co. Ltd23
Wuxi Jingtum Network Technology Co., Ltd.22
Sicpa Holding Sa22
Tianjin University Of Technology22
Shanghai Vonechain Information Technology Co., Ltd.22
Northeastern University22
Migu Culture Technology Co., Ltd.22
Hunan Tian He Guo Yun Technology Co., Ltd.22
Honda Motor Co., Ltd.22
Jiangsu University22
Hangzhou Dianzi University22
Hangzhou Yulan Technology Co., Ltd.22
Asahi Kasei Corporation22
Beijing Jingdong Zhenshi Information Technology Co., Ltd.22
Beijing Blockchain Cloud Technology Co., Ltd.22
State Grid Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd.21
Tbcasoft, Inc.21
Toshiba Corporation21
Nomura Research Institute, Ltd.21
Motorola Solutions Inc21
Nanjing University Of Science And Technology21
Kddi Corporation21
Hunan Smart Government Block Chain Technology Co., Ltd.21
Hp Inc.21
Beijing Jd Finance Technology Holding Co., Ltd.21
Anhui Lingtuyi Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.21
Zhejiang Shuqin Technology Co., Ltd.20
Wuhan Douyu Network Technology Co., Ltd.20
Shenzhen Zhongke Zhicheng Technology Co., Ltd.20
Ruban Quantum Technology Co., Ltd.20
Shenzhen Beiyoutong New Energy Technology Development Co., Ltd.20
Nanjing Jinninghui Technology Co., Ltd.20
North China Electric Power University20
Hefei University Of Technology20
Hangzhou Hyperchain Technologies Co., Ltd.20
Guangzhou Youpu Electric Power Technology Co., Ltd.20
Financial And Risk Organisation Limited20
Cooperation Foundation Inje University Industry-academic20
Commissariat ? L'?nergie Atomique Et Aux ?nergies Alternatives20
Chongqing Huayi Kangdao Technology Co., Ltd.20
China Telecom Corporation Limited20
Xian Zhigui Internet Technology Co., Ltd.19
Zhongsi Boan Technology (beijing) Co., Ltd.19
Xiaomi Inc.19
Shenzhen Turing Singularity Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.19
Shenzhen Saiante Technology Service Co., Ltd.19
Raytheon Technologies Corporation19
Ping Identity Corporation19
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.19
Macrogen Inc19
Nanjing Zhongcheng Block Chain Research Institute Co., Ltd.19
Fidelity Investments19
Giesecke & Devrient Gmbh19
Golo Iov Data Technology Co., Ltd.19
Dongguk University Industry Academic Cooperation Foundation19
Dalian University Of Technology19
Akamai Technologies, Inc.19
Beijing Arxan Fintech Co., Ltd.19
Bitflyer Inc.19
Acronis International Gmbh19
Beijing Bixing Technology Co., Ltd.19
Sk Telecom Co., Ltd.18
Tal Education Group18
Madisetti, Vijay18
Mcafee, LLC18
Hyundai Motor Company18
J2 Global, Inc.18
Innoplexus Ag18
Intuit Inc.18
Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., Ltd.18
Institute For Information Industry18
Jingdong Digital Technology Holdings Co., Ltd.18
China University Of Geoscience18
China Internet Network Information Center18
Dareway Software Co., Ltd.18
Civic Technologies18
Wangsu Science & Technology Co., Ltd.17
Xage Security, Inc.17
Shigengjian Data Technology (shanghai) Co., Ltd.17
Seagate Technology Plc17
Shanghai Heshu Software Co., Ltd.17
Shandong University17
Shanghai Ceying Network Technology Co., Ltd.17
Shenzhen Polytechnic17
Moneybreak LLC17
Mobile Innovations17
Mr. Ray, Inc.17
Kunming University Of Science And Technology17
Hefei Weitian Yuntong Information Science And Technology Co., Ltd.17
Kepco Kdn Co Ltd17
Guangdong Hongying Technology Co., Ltd.17
Endress+hauser (international) Holding Ag17
Hainan Univ17
Chengdu Sefon Software Co., Ltd.17
Comcast Corporation17
All It Top Co., Ltd.17
Bank Of Taiwan17
Beijing Aimo Reechain Science And Technology Co., Ltd.17
Vivo Communication Technology Co. Ltd.16
Siemens Energy Ag16
Strike Protocols Inc.16
Simpsx Technologies LLC16
Star Mesh LLC16
Shenzhen Xiaokong Communication Technology Co., Ltd.16
Shenzhen Dianlian Technology Co., Ltd.16
Pingan Trust Co., Ltd.16
No. 30 Institute Of China Electronic Technology Group Corporation16
Kasa Ltd.16
Chengdu High-tech Information Technology Research Institute16
China Merchants Group Ltd16
Cable Television Laboratories Inc16
Beijing Technology & Business Univ.16
3m Company16
Wenzhou Tusheng Science And Technology Co., Ltd.15
Xian University Of Posts And Telecommunications15
Tata Sons Ltd15
Smartmd15, Inc.15
Tongji University15
Shenzhen Great China Blockchain Technology Co., Ltd.15
Nanjing Ruixi Information Technology Co., Ltd.15
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation15
Nanjing Trusted Blockchain And Algorithm Economic Research Institute Co., Ltd.15
Netspective Communications LLC Maryland15
Pingan International Finance Lease Co., Ltd.15
Nike, Inc.15
Jiangsu Pay Egis Technology Co., Ltd.15
Korea Advanced Institute Of Science And Technology15
Johnson Controls International Plc15
Hangzhou Shichuang Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.15
Foundation Of Soongsil University-industry Cooperation15
Guilin University Of Electronic Technology15
Dish Network Corp.15
Dongguan Monda Plastic-chemical Technology Co., Ltd.15
Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd.15
Beijing Haopukang Technology Co., Ltd.15
Ant Blockchain Technology (shanghai) Co., Ltd15
Adp, LLC15
Anchor Labs15
Wealedger Network Technologies Co., Ltd.14
Voice Life, Inc.14
Zhihuigu (xiamen) Iot Technology Co., Ltd.14
Xian Jiaotong Univ14
Tcl Corporation14
Shenzhen Technology Co Ltd Blue To Di14
Suzhou Dajiaying Information Technology Co., Ltd.14
Shenzhen Ars(advanced River System) Technology Co., Ltd.14
Shenzhen Blockcontinent Technology Co., Ltd.14
Puhua Yunchuang Technology (beijing) Co., Ltd.14
Obook Inc14
Infineon Technologies Ag14
Fujifilm Holdings Corp14
Cognitive Scale, Inc.14
Central South University14
Bundesrepublik Deutschland14
Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organisation14
Changsha University Of Science And Technology14
Beijing Feitian Technologies14
Ali Group S.r.l.14
A.l.i. Technologies Inc14
Beijing Wuzi University14
Beatdapp Software Inc.14
Yinqing Technology (beijing) Co., Ltd.13
Zhejiang Normal Univ.13
Ylz Information Technology Co., Ltd.13
Xiamen Shunshi Gongshi Information Technology Co., Ltd.13
United Parcel Service, Inc.13
Xiangtan University13
University Of Science And Technology Of China13
Soonchunhyang University13
Suzhou City Xingji Yuntong Blockchain Technology Co., Ltd.13
Suzhou Tongji Blockchain Research Institute Co., Ltd.13
Suzhou Inspur Intelligent Software Co., Ltd.13
The Walt Disney Company13
Skuchain, Inc.13
Qilu University Of Technology13
Rad Group13
Shaanxi Medicine Chain Group Co., Ltd.13
Schneider Electric Sa13
Securrency, Inc13
Shenzhen Lvyuan Huizhi Technology Co., Ltd.13
Moog Inc.13
Pinganfu Technology Service Co., Ltd.13
Monticello Enterprises LLC13
Neural Technologies Ltd13
Nanjing Reborn Quantum Technology Co., Ltd.13
Harbin Engineering University13
Jilin University13
Iconloop Inc.13
Harbin Institute Of Technology13
Itext Group Nv13
Indexmine. Inc.13
Jiangsu Tongfudun Information Technology Co., Ltd.13
Hanyang University13
International Trust Machines Corporation13
Hangzhou Wopu Iot Technology Co., Ltd.13
Guangdong Hongxin E-commerce Technology Co., Ltd.13
Facebook, Inc.13
Gsc Secrypt, LLC13
Chengdu University Of Technology13
China Electronic Technology Cyber Security Co., Ltd.13
Chongqing Jinvovo Network Technology Co., Ltd.13
Chongqing University Of Science And Technology13
Beijing Huitong Jincai Information Technology Co., Ltd.13
Acer Incorporated13
Beijing Guorenbao Technology Co., Ltd.13
Abb Ltd13
Zhejiang University Of Technology12
Wipro Limited12
Uni-ledger Technology (beijing) Co., Ltd.12
Yantai University12
Way2bit Co. Ltd.12
Xerox Corporation12
Wistron Corporation12
University Of Science And Technology Beijing12
Yonsei University12
Tmrw Foundation Ip And Holding Sarl12
Shenzhen Qianhai Wealedger Network Technology Co., Ltd.12
Seiko Epson Corporation12
Shanghai Development Center Of Computer Software Technology12
Shandong Inspur Cloud Service Information Technology Co., Ltd.12
Security Matters Ltd.12
Shanghai Qiyin Information Technology Co Ltd12
Quliantong Network Co., Ltd.12
Refinitiv Us Organization LLC12
National Computer Network And Information Security Management Center12
Markany Inc12
Mocana Corp.12
Orange Sa12
Mythical, Inc.12
Ncr Corporation12
Pingan Yiqianbao E-commerce Co., Ltd.12
Nanjing University12
Loyyal Corporation12
Medibloc Co., Ltd.12
International Game Technology Plc12
Lg Electronics Inc.12
Korea University12
Information And Telecommunication Branch Of State Grid Anhui Electric Power Company12
Kyocera Corporation12
Jiangxi University Of Science And Technology12
Korea Minting Security Printing & Id Card Operating Corp12
Guangzhou Zhihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.12
Guangzhou Yuejian Sanhe Software Co.,ltd.12
Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.12
Guangdong Hongxin Enterprise Service Co., Ltd.12
Guangxi University12
Ebaonet Healthcare Information Technology (beijing) Co., Ltd.12
Digital Asset Holdings, LLC12
China Academy Of Information And Communications Technology12
Chronicled, Inc.12
Advent International Corporation12
Adobe Inc.12
Beijing Yuanlangchao Technology Co., Ltd.12
Anhui University Of Science & Technology12
Bayerische Motoren Werke Ag12
Beijing Thinkey Technologies Co., Ltd.12
Zhengzhou University11
Zhengzhou Normal Univ11
Xiamen Keruisheng Technology Co., Ltd.11
Smartsky Networks LLC11
Silictec (shenzhen) Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.11
The Carlyle Group, L.p.11
Shimano Inc.11
Shenzhen Qianhai Huanrong Lianyi Information Technology Service Co., Ltd.11
State Grid Block Chain Technology (beijing) Company11
Stringon Technology (beijing) Co., Ltd.11
Renmin University Of China11
Shanxi Texin Huanyu Information Technology Co., Ltd.11
Shandong Daige Information Technology Co., Ltd.11
Qufu Normal University11
Sensoriant, Inc.11
Quantum Gate Inc.11
Shandong Inspur Co Ltd11
Linkeychain Intelligent Technology (shanghai) Co., Ltd.11
Liquineq Ag11
Line Plus Corporation11
Hangzhou Zhikuai Network Technology Co., Ltd.11
Korea Information Security Management Institute11
Hasan, Syed11
Kunming Dabangke Technology Co., Ltd.11
Industrial Technology Research Institute11
Guangzhou Yibite Blockchain Technology Co., Ltd.11
Gk8 Ltd.11
Gulbrandsen, Magnus11
Guangxi Normal University11
Dongyuan (beijing) Digital Technology Co., Ltd.11
Edvanst Nyu Teknolodzhiz Ko., Ltd.11
Core Scientific, Inc.11
Cssc Systems Engineering Research Institute11
Chongqing Huihui Information Technology Co., Ltd.11
Beijing Zhibangbang Technology Co., Ltd.11
Blockchain Inc.11
Biovoice Information Technology Co., Ltd.11
Blockchain Asics LLC11
Block Chain Security Corp.11
Ai Biomaterial Healthtech Ltd.11
Agricultural Bank Of China11
Tzero Group, Inc.10
Uvue Ltd10
Yangzhou University10
Zamna Technologies Limited10
Yocto Technologies, S.l.10
Vechain Foundation Limited10
Shenzhen Zhonghui Zhiti Technology Co., Ltd.10
Southern University Of Science And Technology10
The Industry & Academic Cooperation In Chungnam National University Iac10
Telefonica S.a.10
Tianyi Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd.10
Shenzhen Yilian Information System Co., Ltd.10
Terminus Technologies, Inc.10
Shanghai Wurong Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.10
Shanghai Mohe Network Technology Co., Ltd.10
Quark Chain Technology (shenzhen) Co., Ltd.10
Shenzhen Fanxi Electronics Co., Ltd.10
Ruiya Blockchain Technology (shenzhen) Co., Ltd.10
Shenzhen Fubei Technology Co., Ltd.10
Shanghai Yuanlu Jiajia Information Science And Technology Co., Ltd.10
Servicenow, Inc.10
Shenzhen Buyun Technology Co., Ltd.10
Shanghai Jianshi Network Technology Co., Ltd.10
Sf Tech Co., Ltd.10
Meilai Network Technology (shanghai) Co., Ltd.10
Linius (aust) Pty Ltd10
Northwestern University10
Nok Nok Labs, Inc.10
Nantong University10
Platon Sa10
Nanjing Institute Of Technology10
Mobilitie, LLC10
Nexon Co., Ltd.10
Ningbo Fuwan Information Technology Co., Ltd.10
Jiangsu Peerfintech Technology Co., Ltd.10
Jiangsu Hengwei Information Technology Co., Ltd.10
Hohai Univ.10
Jiangsu Worldallwell Holdings Co., Ltd.10
Koch Industries10
Lapsechain Sa10
Leverage Rock LLC10
Jiangsu Aowei Holdings Co., Ltd.10
Infrared5 Inc.10
Lianqi Technology (beijing) Co., Ltd.10
Eluvio, Inc.10
Farmobile, LLC10
Fuzhou University10
Guangzhou Block Zero Chain Technology Co., Ltd.10
Eight Plus Ventures, LLC10
Dongguan Dayi Industry Chain Service Co., Ltd.10
Domos, LLC10
Chengdu Lingguang Quantum Technology Co Ltd10
China University Of Petroleum10
Digitalzone Co., Ltd.10
Chengdu Shangtongshidai Digital Technology Co., Ltd.10
Cambridge Blockchain, Inc.10
Ccb Fintech Co., Ltd.10
Chongqing Xiaoyudian Small Loan Co., Ltd.10
Cheju National University Industry-academic Cooperation Foundation10
Beijing Tianyi Science Trade Co10
Beijing Jiaotong University10
Beijing Tus Data Asset Technology Development Co., Ltd.10
Barclays Execution Services Limited10
Axell Corporation10
Balanced Media Technology, LLC10
Ajou University10


When you look at the top companies in the blockchain space that are patenting in the United States a different picture takes shape. IBM and Advanced New Technologies dominate the blockchain space in the United States. Of particular note in the United States is the number of banks and financial services companies patenting heavily in blockchain technology including Bank of America, MasterCard, Capital One, Visa, and TD Bank.  Below is a chart showing the top players in the blockchain patent space in the United States.


Top Companies in US Blockchain Patents & Pending Applications - 2021

CompanyUS PatentsUS Pending ApplicationsGrand Total
International Business Machines Corp.341435776
Advanced New Technologies Co., Ltd.453310763
Bank Of America Corporation8979168
Nchain Holdings Limited3150153
Mastercard Incorporated45104149
Dell Technologies Inc.5753110
Capital One Financial Corp.5451105
Accenture Plc494089
Microsoft Corporation335487
Intel Corporation265379
Visa Inc.175269
Toyota Motor Corporation125567, Inc.125163
Toronto-dominion Bank263157
Tencent Holdings Ltd55257
Sony Corporation154156
Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company74855
Strong Force Tx Portfolio 2018, LLC15253
AT&T Inc.262753
State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company361551
Jpmorgan Chase & Co.84351
Sap Se143347
Siemens Ag34447
Nec Corporation93645
Cisco Systems, Inc.301545
Wal-mart Stores, Inc.162642
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.103242
Panasonic Corporation93039 Co., Ltd142539
Paypal Holdings, Inc.112738
Fujitsu Limited72734
United Services Automobile Association33033
Nokia Corporation52732
Deutsche Telekom Ag161632
Wells Fargo & Company30131
Oracle Corporation102131
Inveniam Capital Partners, Inc.92231
Coinbase, Inc.131831
American Express Company72431
Verizon Communications Inc.141630
Alibaba Group Holding Ltd82129
Baidu, Inc.22729
Winklevoss Ip, LLC26228
Ebay Inc.52227
General Electric Company101626
Telefonaktiebolaget Lm Ericsson22325
Hitachi, Ltd.81725
Workday, Inc.101424
Huawei Investment & Holding Co., Ltd.22224
Ford Motor Company61723
Americorp Investments LLC13821
Honeywell International Inc.41620
Tzero Ip, LLC51419
R3 Ltd.61319, Inc.12719
Strong Force Intellectual Capital, LLC21618
Micron Technology, Inc.51318
Madisetti, Vijay14418
Cme Group Inc.9918
Bt Group Plc71118
Robert Bosch Gmbh21517
Ping Identity Corporation13417
Myomega Systems Gmbh61117
Mobile Innovations16117
Eygs Llp31417
Acronis International Gmbh10717
Strike Protocols Inc.11516
Seagate Technology Plc41216
Simpsx Technologies LLC11516
Nantworks, LLC7916
Innoplexus Ag61016
Fidelity Investments7916
Xage Security, Inc.13215
Netspective Communications LLC Maryland7815
Innogy Se8715
Electronics And Telecommunications Research Institute31215
Blockchain Asics, Inc.14115
The Boeing Company31114
Raytheon Technologies Corporation10414
Nasdaq, Inc.8614
Cognitive Scale, Inc.8614
Royal Bank Of Canada31013
Johnson Controls International Plc9413
Akamai Technologies, Inc.4913
Mythical, Inc.9312
Refinitiv Us Organization LLC6612
Ncr Corporation21012
Gsc Secrypt, LLC12012
Dish Network Corp.4812
Cable Television Laboratories Inc11112
Civic Technologies8412
Avaya Inc5712
Adobe Inc.5712
Black Gold Coin, Inc.9312
The Carlyle Group, L.p.10111
Digital Asset (switzerland) Gmbh3811
Sensoriant, Inc.4610
Nike, Inc.2810
Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp.2810
Mcafee, LLC5510
Launch Tech Company Limited01010
Eight Plus Ventures, LLC9110
Facebook, Inc.2810
Comcast Corporation1910
Cloudminds (shenzhen) Holdings Co., Ltd.4610
Adp, LLC3710


When you look at the top companies in the blockchain space that are patenting in China it stands out that a significant proportion of the applications in China are pending applications and have not yet patented. This may indicate that most of the patenting in China is very recently filed applications. Ping An, Tencent, and Alibaba round out the top 3 companies patenting in the blockchain space in China.  Below is a chart of the top companies in the blockchain patent space in China.


Top Companies in Chinese Blockchain Patents & Pending Applications - 2021

CompanyChinese PatentsChinese Pending ApplicationsGrand Total
Ping An Insurance (group); Company Of China, Ltd.10717681875
Tencent Holdings Ltd42511451570
Alibaba Group Holding Ltd310684994 Co., Ltd267557824
Shenzhen Oneconnect Technology Co., Ltd.14558572
China United Network Communications Group Company Limited109407516
Hangzhou Fuzamei Technology Co., Ltd.87282369
Baidu, Inc.79268347
China Pingan Property Insurance Stock Co., Ltd.1287288
Shenzhen Qianhai Webank Co., Ltd.33209242
Shenzhen Onething Technology Co., Ltd.19204223
Shandong Aichengshiwang Information Technology Co., Ltd.0222222
Beijing Aimoruice Science And Technology Co., Ltd.24195219
Bank Of China, Ltd.10189199
Jiangsu Rongye Technology Company Limited9178187
Shenzhen Launch Tech Company Limited7179186
Nchain Holdings Limited1174175
Hangzhou Qulian Technology Ltd.32121153
Taikang Life Insurance Co., Ltd.17128145
Iallchain Co., Ltd.38107145
Industrial & Commercial Bank Of China Ltd.8134142
Beijing Aimo Ruice Technology Co., Ltd.8132140
Hangzhou Qulian Technology Co.,ltd.4135139
Beijing Jingdong Shangke Information Technology Co., Ltd.31108139
Pingan Ind Co Ltd0121121
Guangdong University Of Technology16105121
Zhongan Information Technology Services Co., Ltd.2197118
Xidian University3273105
Huawei Investment & Holding Co., Ltd.2181102
International Business Machines Corp.19697
Hangzhou Yunphant Network Technology Co., Ltd.217394
University Of Electronic Science And Technology Of China355893
Shanghai Dianrong Information Technology Co., Ltd.286189
Shandong Icity Network Information Technology Co., Ltd.08686
Nanjing University Of Posts And Telecommunications117384
Beijing Rui Zhuo Xi Tou Technology Development Co., Ltd.325082
Chongqing University107080
State Grid Corporation Of China136477
Beijing University Of Posts And Telecommunications274673
China Southern Power Grid Co Ltd96372
Bubi (beijing) Network Technology Co., Ltd.284270
Chinese Academy Of Sciences254570
Advanced New Technologies Co., Ltd.581270
Beijing University Of Technology96069
Qihoo 360 Technology Co., Ltd.184967
Lenovo Group Limited95867
Beijing Ruice Technology Co., Ltd.36366
Hangzhou Rivtower Technology Co., Ltd.06363
Shandong Inspur Qualink Technology Co., Ltd.06262
Beihang University204161
Wuhan University134760
Aisino Co., Ltd25860
Beijing Hai Yi Tong Zhan Information Technology Co., Ltd.35760
Tsinghua University263359
Shaanxi Medicine Chain Block Chain Group Co., Ltd.35255
Ygsoft Inc.45054
Mastercard Incorporated74653
China Unionpay Co., Ltd.134053
Sinochem Corporation183452
China Mobile Communications Corporation143650
Sinochain Tech Co Ltd44549
Siemens Ag24749
China Construction Bank04848
Zhejiang University123547
Zhongshan University93746
Hunan University44145
Cloudminds (shenzhen) Holdings Co., Ltd.123244
Instinct Block Chain Technology Co Ltd53843
Kangjian Information Technology (shenzhen) Co., Ltd.04242
Sony Corporation04141
Netease, Inc.122941
Zhongchao Credit Card Industry Development Co., Ltd.93140
Tencent Cloud Computing (beijing) Co., Ltd.04040
Jinan University103040
Fudan University53540
Anhui Gaoshan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.04040
Shanghai Vechain Information Technology Co., Ltd.73239
Tenpay Payment Science And Technology Co., Ltd.73138
Shenzhen Ansike Electronic Tech Co Ltd43438
Huazhong University Of Science & Technology152338
Beijing Octa Innovations Information Technology Co., Ltd.43438
Shanghai Jiaotong University82937
Jiangsu Hengbao Intelligent System Technology Co., Ltd.82937
Beijing Oracle Chain Technology Co., Ltd.152237
Beijing Peersafe Technology Co., Ltd.172037
Institute Of Information Engineering Cas162036
Jinan Inspur Hi-tech Investment Development Co., Ltd.63036
Trueseen Ltd.03535
Hangzhou Cryptape Technology Co., Ltd.122335
Zall Research Institute Of Smart Commerce (wuhan) Co., Ltd.102434
China Zheshang Bank Co Ltd72734
Aowei Information Technology (jiangsu) Co., Ltd.43034
Tianjin University03333
Liannong (shenzhen) Information Technology Co., Ltd.23133
Chengdu Stacs Technology Co., Ltd.33033
Shenzhen Zhishuilian Technology Co., Ltd.72532
Shanghai Wanxiang Blockchain Inc.03232
Visa Inc.03131
Beijing Institute Of Technology102131
Beijing Hai Tong Technology Co Ltd Emori151631
Zhong Information Technology Service Co., Ltd.92130
Shenzhen University62430
China Citic Bank Co Ltd03030
Beijing Wodong Tianjun Information Technology Co., Ltd.03030
Accenture Plc22830
Inspur Group Co., Ltd.02929
Fujitsu Limited22628
East China Normal University151328
Foshan Yisu Jusen Technology Co., Ltd.12728
Beijing Kingsoft Cloud Network Technology Co., Ltd.02828
Zhejiang Gongshang University42327
Sichuan Homwee Technology Co Ltd62127
Shanghai Gonglian Information Technology Co., Ltd.42327
Neusoft Corporation52227
Abmax Biotechnology Co Ltd91827
Beijing Kingsoft Internet Security Software Co. Ltd.72027
Union Mobile Pay Ltd141226
Shenzhen Golo Chelian Data Technology Co., Ltd.52126
Shenzhen Leiling Guangtong Technology Research And Development Co., Ltd.42226
Hangzhou Gandao Technology Co., Ltd.22426
Shenzhen Jiupin Air Purification Technology Co., Ltd.32225
Shanghai Distributed Technologies Co., Ltd.121325
Shanghai Youyang Xinmei Information Technology Co., Ltd.02525
Ping'an Consumer Finance Co., Ltd.02525
Shaanxi Medical Chain Blockchain Group Co., Ltd.32225
Institute Of Computing Technology Of The Chinese Academy Of Sciences52025
Guangzhou University42125
Foshan University81725
Beijing Haiying Institute Of Science And Technology Information32225
Beijing Tiandihexing Technology Co., Ltd.81725
Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd.61824
Panasonic Corporation02424
Jindie Software (china) Co., Ltd.32124
Innovative And Advance Technology Co., Ltd.02424
Juzix Technology (shenzhen) Co., Ltd.71724
Gree Group Co., Ltd.91524
Beijing Insight Chain Technology Co., Ltd.51924
Zte Corporation41923
Sichuan University111223
Southeast University41923
South China University Of Technology71623
Shenzhen City Naishidi Technology Development Co. Ltd.22123
Shanghai Insurance Exchange Co., Ltd.32023
Putian City Zhuhuo Information Technology Co., Ltd.71623
Peking University71623
National University Of Defense Technology Of The Chinese People's Liberation Army41923
Hefei Dappworks Technology Co., Ltd.41923
Intel Corporation22123
Fujian University Of Technology61723
Cryptape Inc.51823
Wuxi Jingtum Network Technology Co., Ltd.31922
Shanghai Vonechain Information Technology Co., Ltd.22022
Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School91322
Migu Culture Technology Co., Ltd.51722
Northeastern University101222
Hepu Technology Development (beijing) Co., Ltd.51722
Jiangsu University22022
Hangzhou Yulan Technology Co., Ltd.12122
Hangzhou Dianzi University51722
Ford Motor Company02222
Beijing Blockchain Cloud Technology Co., Ltd.12122
State Grid Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd.61521
Hunan Tian He Guo Yun Technology Co., Ltd.02121
Hunan Smart Government Block Chain Technology Co., Ltd.21921
Anhui Lingtuyi Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.02121
Beijing Jd Finance Technology Holding Co., Ltd.111021
Wuhan Douyu Network Technology Co., Ltd.71320
Zhejiang Shuqin Technology Co., Ltd.51520
Shenzhen Zhongke Zhicheng Technology Co., Ltd.11920
Tianjin University Of Technology31720
Shenzhen Beiyoutong New Energy Technology Development Co., Ltd.41620
North China Electric Power University61420
Ruban Quantum Technology Co., Ltd.31720
Nanjing Jinninghui Technology Co., Ltd.51520
Hefei University Of Technology71320
Hangzhou Hyperchain Technologies Co., Ltd.71320
Guangzhou Youpu Electric Power Technology Co., Ltd.14620
China Telecom Corporation Limited11920
Chongqing Huayi Kangdao Technology Co., Ltd.41620
Xian Zhigui Internet Technology Co., Ltd.21719
Xiaomi Inc.81119
Zhongsi Boan Technology (beijing) Co., Ltd.11819
Shenzhen Turing Singularity Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.91019
Shenzhen Saiante Technology Service Co., Ltd.01919
Robert Bosch Gmbh01919
Golo Iov Data Technology Co., Ltd.61319
Dalian University Of Technology81119
Beijing Bixing Technology Co., Ltd.21719
Beijing Arxan Fintech Co., Ltd.41519
Boe Technology Group Co. Ltd21719
Beijing Jingdong Zhenshi Information Technology Co., Ltd.01919
Tal Education Group61218
Nanjing University Of Science And Technology31518
Dareway Software Co., Ltd.21618
China University Of Geoscience71118
Shigengjian Data Technology (shanghai) Co., Ltd.41317
Shanghai Ceying Network Technology Co., Ltd.71017
Shanghai Heshu Software Co., Ltd.41317
Shandong University71017
Mr. Ray, Inc.01717
Nokia Corporation01717
Hefei Weitian Yuntong Information Science And Technology Co., Ltd.11617
Kunming University Of Science And Technology01717
Guangdong Hongying Technology Co., Ltd.01717
Hainan Univ11617
Chengdu Sefon Software Co., Ltd.51217
China Internet Network Information Center51217
Beijing Aimo Reechain Science And Technology Co., Ltd.31417
Shenzhen Xiaokong Communication Technology Co., Ltd.11516
Vivo Communication Technology Co. Ltd.31316
Pingan Trust Co., Ltd.01616
No. 30 Institute Of China Electronic Technology Group Corporation51116
Chengdu High-tech Information Technology Research Institute01616
Beijing Technology & Business Univ.01616
Wenzhou Tusheng Science And Technology Co., Ltd.41115
Xian University Of Posts And Telecommunications11415
Tongji University31215
Shenzhen Great China Blockchain Technology Co., Ltd.01515
Nanjing Zhongcheng Block Chain Research Institute Co., Ltd.41115
Pingan International Finance Lease Co., Ltd.01515
Nanjing Trusted Blockchain And Algorithm Economic Research Institute Co., Ltd.51015
Jingdong Digital Technology Holdings Co., Ltd.51015
Jiangsu Pay Egis Technology Co., Ltd.10515
Hangzhou Shichuang Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.21315
Guilin University Of Electronic Technology41115
Dongguan Monda Plastic-chemical Technology Co., Ltd.31215
Beijing Haopukang Technology Co., Ltd.11415
Xian Jiaotong Univ41014
Zhihuigu (xiamen) Iot Technology Co., Ltd.5914
Tcl Corporation21214
Suzhou Dajiaying Information Technology Co., Ltd.7714
Shenzhen Blockcontinent Technology Co., Ltd.11314
Shenzhen Ars(advanced River System) Technology Co., Ltd.01414
Puhua Yunchuang Technology (beijing) Co., Ltd.01414
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.11314
Oracle Corporation01414
Central South University41014
Changsha University Of Science And Technology11314
Beijing Feitian Technologies9514
Beijing Wuzi University7714
Xiangtan University31013
Wealedger Network Technologies Co., Ltd.21113
Zhejiang Normal Univ.5813
Xiamen Shunshi Gongshi Information Technology Co., Ltd.01313
Yinqing Technology (beijing) Co., Ltd.11213
Ylz Information Technology Co., Ltd.11213
Suzhou City Xingji Yuntong Blockchain Technology Co., Ltd.01313
University Of Science And Technology Of China01313
Suzhou Tongji Blockchain Research Institute Co., Ltd.31013
Shenzhen Lvyuan Huizhi Technology Co., Ltd.4913
Shenzhen Dianlian Technology Co., Ltd.01313
Shenzhen Technology Co Ltd Blue To Di11213
Nanjing Reborn Quantum Technology Co., Ltd.21113
Microsoft Corporation21113
Qilu University Of Technology01313
Shaanxi Medicine Chain Group Co., Ltd.01313
Pinganfu Technology Service Co., Ltd.01313
Harbin Engineering University7613
Jilin University31013
Jiangsu Tongfudun Information Technology Co., Ltd.11213
Hangzhou Wopu Iot Technology Co., Ltd.31013
Guangdong Hongxin E-commerce Technology Co., Ltd.01313
Chengdu University Of Technology6713
China Merchants Group Ltd7613
China Electronic Technology Cyber Security Co., Ltd.01313
Chongqing University Of Science And Technology01313
Beijing Guorenbao Technology Co., Ltd.21113
Beijing Huitong Jincai Information Technology Co., Ltd.6713
Zhejiang University Of Technology21012
Yantai University11112
Suzhou Inspur Intelligent Software Co., Ltd.01212
Uni-ledger Technology (beijing) Co., Ltd.21012
University Of Science And Technology Beijing3912
Shanghai Development Center Of Computer Software Technology01212
Shanghai Qiyin Information Technology Co Ltd01212
Shenzhen Qianhai Wealedger Network Technology Co., Ltd.11112
Nanjing University01212
National Computer Network And Information Security Management Center4812
Shandong Inspur Cloud Service Information Technology Co., Ltd.01212
Pingan Yiqianbao E-commerce Co., Ltd.01212
Quliantong Network Co., Ltd.21012
Jiangxi University Of Science And Technology4812
Harbin Institute Of Technology11112
Information And Telecommunication Branch Of State Grid Anhui Electric Power Company5712
Guangzhou Yuejian Sanhe Software Co.,ltd.11112
Guangdong Hongxin Enterprise Service Co., Ltd.01212
Guangxi University3912
Guangzhou Zhihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.4812
Ebaonet Healthcare Information Technology (beijing) Co., Ltd.6612
China Academy Of Information And Communications Technology11112
Anhui University Of Science & Technology3912
Beijing Thinkey Technologies Co., Ltd.01212
Beijing Yuanlangchao Technology Co., Ltd.11112
Xiamen Keruisheng Technology Co., Ltd.01111
Zhengzhou Normal Univ11011
Wangsu Science & Technology Co., Ltd.5611
Zhengzhou University2911
Shimano Inc.4711
Silictec (shenzhen) Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.3811
Stringon Technology (beijing) Co., Ltd.01111
Shenzhen Qianhai Huanrong Lianyi Information Technology Service Co., Ltd.01111
Shanxi Texin Huanyu Information Technology Co., Ltd.01111
Qufu Normal University3811
Shandong Daige Information Technology Co., Ltd.01111
Shandong Inspur Co Ltd01111
Linkeychain Intelligent Technology (shanghai) Co., Ltd.01111
Kunming Dabangke Technology Co., Ltd.01111
Guangzhou Yibite Blockchain Technology Co., Ltd.11011
Guangxi Normal University5611
Hangzhou Zhikuai Network Technology Co., Ltd.6511
Cssc Systems Engineering Research Institute01111
Dongyuan (beijing) Digital Technology Co., Ltd.01111
Chongqing Huihui Information Technology Co., Ltd.01111
Beijing Zhibangbang Technology Co., Ltd.11011
Agricultural Bank Of China2911
Biovoice Information Technology Co., Ltd.2911
Yangzhou University3710
Tianyi Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd.01010
Terminus Technologies, Inc.2810
Shenzhen Yilian Information System Co., Ltd.01010
Shenzhen Zhonghui Zhiti Technology Co., Ltd.5510
State Grid Block Chain Technology (beijing) Company3710
Southern University Of Science And Technology1910
Telefonaktiebolaget Lm Ericsson3710
Shenzhen Fubei Technology Co., Ltd.01010
Shenzhen Buyun Technology Co., Ltd.1910
Shanghai Yuanlu Jiajia Information Science And Technology Co., Ltd.01010
Shanghai Jianshi Network Technology Co., Ltd.3710
Shenzhen Fanxi Electronics Co., Ltd.4610
Shanghai Mohe Network Technology Co., Ltd.01010
Shanghai Wurong Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.3710
Shenzhen Polytechnic3710
Meilai Network Technology (shanghai) Co., Ltd.3710
Nanjing Institute Of Technology01010
Ningbo Fuwan Information Technology Co., Ltd.1910
Nantong University01010
Ruiya Blockchain Technology (shenzhen) Co., Ltd.01010
Quark Chain Technology (shenzhen) Co., Ltd.2810
Sf Tech Co., Ltd.1910
Renmin University Of China01010
Jiangsu Hengwei Information Technology Co., Ltd.01010
Hohai Univ.2810
Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company01010
Jiangsu Peerfintech Technology Co., Ltd.01010
Lianqi Technology (beijing) Co., Ltd.4610
Jiangsu Worldallwell Holdings Co., Ltd.1910
Guangzhou Block Zero Chain Technology Co., Ltd.01010
Fuzhou University3710
Chengdu Shangtongshidai Digital Technology Co., Ltd.01010
Ccb Fintech Co., Ltd.1910
Chongqing Xiaoyudian Small Loan Co., Ltd.4610
Dongguan Dayi Industry Chain Service Co., Ltd.2810
Chengdu Lingguang Quantum Technology Co Ltd01010
Chongqing Jinvovo Network Technology Co., Ltd.1910
Dell Technologies Inc.01010
China University Of Petroleum3710
Beijing Jiaotong University3710
Beijing Tus Data Asset Technology Development Co., Ltd.1910
Beijing Tianyi Science Trade Co3710


In Korea the top five companies patenting in the blockchain space include Bizmodeline, Alibaba, Coinplug, Nchain, and Samsung.  Though Bizmodeline has the most blockchain patent applications in Korea, 100% of their applications are still pending, whereas for Alibaba and Coinplug more than half of their applications have already patented.  Below is a chart of the top companies in the blockchain patent space in Korea.


Top Companies in Korean Blockchain Patents & Pending Applications - 2021

CompanyKorean PatentsKorean Pending ApplicationsGrand Total
Bizmodeline Co Ltd0320320
Alibaba Group Holding Ltd10984193
Nchain Holdings Limited49599
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.25759
Kt Corporation114758
Netmarble Corporation322456
Gold Exchange05050
Keb Hana Bank04747
Electronics And Telecommunications Research Institute64046
Metaps Plus Inc.44044
Infobank Corp.03838
Chung-ang University42327
Sogang University Research & Business Development Foundation131225
Lbxc Co., Ltd.02525
Tencent Holdings Ltd22224
Dcun Corporation02424
Dongguk University Industry Academic Cooperation Foundation13619
Sk Telecom Co., Ltd.61117
Kepco Kdn Co Ltd15217
Moneybreak LLC9817
Cooperation Foundation Inje University Industry-academic13417
All It Top Co., Ltd.14317
Hyundai Motor Company7916
Nhn Corporation11415
Korea Advanced Institute Of Science And Technology10414
Baidu, Inc.11314
Indexmine. Inc.01313
Foundation Of Soongsil University-industry Cooperation10313
Iconloop Inc.9312
Korea Minting Security Printing & Id Card Operating Corp9312
Yonsei University7411
Sony Corporation2911
Korea University7411
Korea Information Security Management Institute11011
Hanyang University6511
Soonchunhyang University7310
Way2bit Co. Ltd.459
The Industry & Academic Cooperation In Chungnam National University Iac549
Quantum Gate Inc.459
Medibloc Co., Ltd.459
Ajou University459
Alphabrothers Co., Ltd.909
Buzz Beyond Co., Ltd.099
Ubivelox Inc.808
Postech Research And Business Development Foundati538
Sbenc Co., Ltd.808
Lsware Inc358
Misotree Co., Ltd.808
Kyung Hee University628
Digitalzone Co., Ltd.628
Ewha University-industry Collaboration Foundation718
Certon Systems Gmbh268
Cheju National University Industry-academic Cooperation Foundation628
Sangmyung University Council For Industry Academic Cooperation527
Sogang University Corp.707
Siemens Ag257
Kasa Ltd.527
Kit Co., Ltd.347
Korea University Research And Business Foundation, Sejong Campus527
Koreamapilgeoraeso Co., Ltd.437
Markany Inc617
Hancom With Inc.437
Enterlaw Corporation527
Blockchain Inc.437 Co., Ltd167
Blockchain Asics, Inc.077
Eduhash Global Partners Co., Ltd.167
Peoplecarsharing Co., Ltd.156
Vtw Co., Ltd.336
Team Blackbird Co., Ltd.606
Omnicom Group Inc.516
Gwangju Institute Of Science And Technology246
Mofas Co., Ltd.606
Kumoh National Institute Of Technology426
Nexon Co., Ltd.066
Lg Electronics Inc.336
Ksign Co., Ltd.516
Korea Federation Of Savings Banks336
Dunamu Inc.066
Cubesystem Co., Ltd.156
Green It606
Shinhwa Co505
Visa Inc.055
Unihublab Corp.145
Nuri Telecom Co., Ltd.145
Quber Co., Ltd.235
Sf Blockchain Co., Ltd.325
University-industry Cooperation Group Of Kyung Hee235
Korea Electric Power Corporation325
Konkuk University325
Guhada Co., Ltd.325
Hansung University Industry University Cooperation Foundation325
Kakao Corporation415
Industry-university Cooperation Foundation Hankuk325
Hfr, Inc.505
Korea Institute Of Science And Technology415
Korea Electronics Technology Institute325
General Electric Company055
Dongseo Technology Headquters325
Anifan Co., Ltd.325
Comin Information System Inc.325


At the EPO in Europe, the top five companies patenting in the blockchain space include Advanced New Technologies, Nchain, Siemens, Accenture, and Nokia.  Below is a chart of the top companies in the blockchain patent space at the EPO.


Top Companies in European (EPO) Blockchain Patents & Pending Applications - 2021

CompanyEPO PatentsEPO Pending ApplicationsGrand Total
Advanced New Technologies Co., Ltd.79294373
Nchain Holdings Limited27153180
Siemens Ag2379102
Accenture Plc162945
Nokia Corporation103343 Co., Ltd04040
Visa Inc.43539
Telefonaktiebolaget Lm Ericsson32730
Mastercard Incorporated72330
Nec Corporation52328
Sony Group Corporation12627
The Government Of Germany91827
Microsoft Corporation32225
Huawei Investment & Holding Co., Ltd.12324
Fujitsu Limited41822
Innogy Se91019
Panasonic Corporation21517
Deutsche Telekom Ag61117
Bt Group Plc51217
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.01313
Tzero Ip, LLC01313
Baidu, Inc.01313
International Business Machines Corp.01313
Tencent Holdings Ltd01212
Sony Corporation01212
Intel Corporation11112
Jpmorgan Chase & Co.01212
Oracle Corporation11011
Honeywell International Inc.01111
Thales Sa3710
Cisco Systems, Inc.2810
General Electric Company01010
Siemens Energy Ag099
Myomega Systems Gmbh099
Atos Se279
The Boeing Company268
Merck Kgaa178
Sap Se268
Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company178
Bitflyer Blockchain, Inc.088
Robert Bosch Gmbh077
Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp.257
Digital Asset (switzerland) Gmbh167
Commissariat ? L'?nergie Atomique Et Aux ?nergies Alternatives347
Launch Tech Company Limited066
Motorola Solutions Inc066
Northern Trust Corporation246
Tata Sons Ltd066
Porsche Automobil Holding Se246
Hitachi, Ltd.066
Blockchain Asics, Inc.066
Cme Group Inc.156
Itext Group Nv426
Shimadzu Corporation415
Swirlds, Inc.235
Vechain Global Technology
Telefonica S.a.145, Inc.055
Royal Bank Of Canada145
Abb Ltd055
Cloudminds (shenzhen) Holdings Co., Ltd.235
3m Company055
Barclays Execution Services Limited055
Financial And Risk Organisation Limited055


In this analysis, Harrity Analytics has also included the ability to view company portfolios side-by-side and visualize the overlap in their CPC classifications. This may give some insight into the industries in which companies are choosing to patent blockchain technology.  As an example, the chart below shows a comparison of the top classifications for IBM and Advanced New Technologies.  There is overlap between the two portfolios, but you can also see that IBM has patents in inventory / stock management technology, whereas Advanced New Technologies does not seem to be patenting in that area.  Interestingly, Advanced New Technologies is patenting very heavily in the exchange (e.g., stocks, commodities, derivatives) area, whereas, IBM has not been patenting as heavily on a comparative basis.


IBM vs. Advanced New Technologies - Blockchain Competitive Analysis / Gap Analysis - 2021

Blockchain by CPC Technology ClassificationIBMAdvanced New Technologies
H04L9/3239 - Involving Non-Keyed Hash Functions, E.G. Modification Detection Codes [Mdcs], Md5, Sha Or Ripemd6995
G06F21/64 - Protecting Data Integrity, E.G. Using Checksums, Certificates Or Signatures68153
G06F21/602 - Providing Cryptographic Facilities Or Services3684
G06F21/6218 - To A System Of Files Or Objects, E.G. Local Or Distributed File System Or Database3523
G06Q20/02 - Involving A Neutral Party, E.G. Certification Authority, Notary Or Trusted Third Party [Ttp]2728
G06Q20/065 - Using E-Cash2646
G06F16/27 - Replication, Distribution Or Synchronisation Of Data Between Databases Or Within A Distributed Database System; Distributed Database System Architectures Therefor1727
G06F21/6245 - Protecting Personal Data, E.G. For Financial Or Medical Purposes1629
G06Q10/087 - Inventory Or Stock Management, E.G. Order Filling, Procurement, Balancing Against Orders130
G06Q40/04 - Exchange, E.G. Stocks, Commodities, Derivatives Or Currency Exchange13142
G06F16/9024 - Graphs; Linked Lists124
G06F21/32 - Using Biometric Data, E.G. Fingerprints, Iris Scans Or Voiceprints1111
G06F21/10 - Protecting Distributed Programs Or Content, E.G. Vending Or Licensing Of Copyrighted Material1024
G06F21/33 - Using Certificates90
G06F21/6227 - Where Protection Concerns The Structure Of Data, E.G. Records, Types, Queries99
G06Q10/10 - Office Automation, E.G. Computer Aided Management Of Electronic Mail Or Groupware811
G06F21/645 - Using A Third Party810
G06Q2220/00 - Business Processing Using Cryptography76
G06F16/2365 - Ensuring Data Consistency And Integrity74
G06N5/022 - Knowledge Engineering; Knowledge Acquisition70



The Blockchain Technology Titans 2021 Report shows that there has been significant growth in patenting blockchain technology all over the world. The growth in blockchain technology patenting points to the significant investment that is being made by companies and institutions in research and development (R&D) of this emerging technology area.  It will be exciting to see what happens in the blockchain space over the coming years.

To learn more about how Harrity Patent Analytics can help you find insights into the patent world, contact us via email HERE.

2020 Top Patent Firms List Announced

WASHINGTON (January 15, 2021) –  Harrity Patent Analytics is pleased to announce the release of the 2020 Top Patent Firms list. The list, published annually, ranks industry-leading patent law firms based on the total number of U.S. utility patents issued in the past year and contains exclusive prosecution metrics. 

The 2020 Top Patent Firms list incorporates notable differences from last year’s rankings, including the year-over-year change in the quantity of patents firms obtained from 2019 to 2020.  Rocky Berndsen, Head of Patent Analytics, says of these changes, “You can see which patent firms are making big moves up and down in our field.  The impact of a firm merger or one or more partners leaving a firm can be seen in the data.  Law firms and companies are using the prosecution data from last year’s patents to make strategic decisions in their practice”.

The Top Patent Firms list is accompanied by an interactive dashboard and includes patent firms that have obtained at least 50 U.S. utility patents where the patent firms are listed on the front of the utility patents. Company legal departments have not been eliminated from the list.  The full list is available here.

About Harrity Patent Analytics 

Harrity Patent Analytics, an analytical team within the boutique IP law firm of Harrity & Harrity, LLP, uses cutting-edge capabilities to analyze patent data and extract insights for clients to use when making strategic decisions regarding patent portfolios.  Patent 300® companies rely on Harrity Patent Analytics services to understand their patent portfolios, the patent portfolios of their competitors, and patent office trends around the world.  For more information, visit 


Harrity’s Rocky Berndsen Recognized in IAM Strategy 300: The World’s Leading IP Strategists Annual Listing

Harrity’s Rocky Berndsen has been recognized in the IAM Strategy 300: The World’s Leading IP Strategists, an annual listing of individuals who lead the way in the development and implementation of world-class programs that maximize the value of intellectual property portfolios.

According to IAM Media, the strategists identified in this guide do not see issues from just one perspective; instead, they see value creation in the round. It is this 360-degree perspective, combined with a demonstrable ability to deliver, which makes them stand out from the crowd.

Rocky’s innovation and leadership in the area of patent analytics and IP business strategy development contributed to his nomination on this global listing of the IP elite. Congratulations, Rocky!

About the IAM Strategy 300 Nominations

(Source: IAM Media)

These world-class IP strategists are primarily identified through confidential nominations made online. However, the extensive research process also involves face-to-face and telephone interviews, as well as email exchanges, with senior members of the global IP community.

No individual can qualify for a listing in the IAM Strategy 300 unless he or she is nominated by at least three people from outside of his or her own organization. But even this does not guarantee inclusion; instead, only those individuals who further research shows to have exceptional skill sets, as well as profound insights into the development, creation and management of IP value, are featured in the IAM Strategy 300.

For this latest edition of the guide, IAM started the research process from scratch; so even those who had previously been listed had to meet the same selection criteria as those who are new to the guide this year. Once a person received the minimum three recommendations from outside his or her own organization, IAM undertook their own independent research to assess these claims.

Most nominees did not make it through the vetting process; those who did are listed in the following pages. The selection procedure is always strictly applied because our overarching aim is to ensure that only those individuals who possess exceptional skill sets – as well as profound insights into the development, creation and management of IP value – are featured in the IAM Strategy 300.

“We cannot promise that every IP strategist who deserves to be described as world class has made it into this publication. But we are certain that everyone who is listed deserves to be.”

About Harrity & Harrity, LLP

Harrity & Harrity is a leading patent preparation and prosecution firm specializing in the electrical and mechanical technology areas, and is considered a Go-To Firm for the Patent 300™.  Their clients trust in their high-quality work, experienced people, industry leading innovation, and outstanding service.


Harrity Ranks as a World Leading Patent Professional on IAM Patent 1000 List

Harrity & Harrity, LLP has been named a “Highly Recommended” firm in the field patent prosecution, according to the newly released 2020 edition of the IAM Patent 1000: The World’s Leading Patent Professionals.

The online publication of the IAM Patent 1000 stated the following in regard to Harrity’s accomplishments in the patent space:

“It is simply amazing what Harrity & Harrity has been able to achieve in the patent space by applying a carefully thought-out lean manufacturing style system to file vast numbers of patents while maintaining quality of the highest order. Clever use of automation and a uniform writing style play into its efficiency, while a rigorous second-attorney review system helps to set the quality bar high.”

The compact boutique has worked other magic, too: its dedicated patent analytics group, headed by Rocky Berndsen, has been delving into all sorts of statistics to bring a unique level of industry insight to clients.

None of this has gone unnoticed by competitors: “It is growing faster than any similarly sized peer and runs an impressive recruiting programme that precisely identifies people who will thrive in its system. The efficiency tools it has invested in are also excellent. Harrity & Harrity just gets prosecution and patents.”

From a client perspective, its “reasonable pricing and outstanding customer service” are major plus points, as is its nimbleness: “When an emergency project needs to be completed quickly and done right, it is the only firm to turn to.”

Another feather in the outfit’s cap is its admirable proactivity with respect to diversity in the IP profession. In 2019 it launched the Harrity Minority Firm Incubator, which trains attorneys from minority backgrounds in prep and pros and law firm management; at the end of the four-year programme, those schooled under it will establish their own patent boutiques. The genius architects of all this success are John HarrityPaul Harrity and Paul Gurzo.”


About the IAM Patent 1000
(source: IAM Media)

The IAM Patent 1000 is commonly regarded as the definitive ‘go-to’ resource for those seeking to identify world-class, private practice patent expertise and leading expert witnesses in the US. As with previous editions, to arrive at the 2020 rankings, IAM undertook an exhaustive qualitative research project to identify outstanding firms and individuals across multiple jurisdictions. When identifying the leading firms, factors such as depth of knowledge, market presence and the level of work on which they are typically instructed were all taken into account, as well as positive peer and client feedback.

Over five months, IAM conducted in the region of 1,800 interviews with numerous attorneys at law, patent attorneys and in-house counsel to gather market intelligence on the leading players in the field. Individuals qualify for a listing in the IAM Patent 1000 when they receive sufficient positive feedback from peers and clients with knowledge of their practice and the market within which they operate. In those markets in which practitioners have narrowed the focus of their work, we have presented tables highlighting the leaders in the respective areas of prosecution, transactions and litigation. Only those individuals identified by market sources for their exceptional skill sets and profound insights into patent matters feature in the IAM Patent 1000.

We have also identified the leading firms in the market – similarly listing them, where appropriate, in prosecution, transactions and litigation tables – as it is clear that the depth of expertise that a firm can offer beyond and in support of its star practitioners is an important factor in the decision to instruct. Firms qualify for a listing on the basis of their depth of expertise, market presence and the level of work on which they are typically engaged.

Our aim is to ensure that the IAM Patent 1000 is as accurate as possible. We seek to produce the definitive list of the world’s leading patent experts, on the basis of feedback received from those operating in the market. If you disagree with the opinions we have presented, we would like to hear from you. Our guarantee is that we will further research your input and so improve the list in the future.

All names and individual positions at firms are correct to the best of our knowledge as of 15 April 2020. In instances where a firm has merged or subsequently dissolved, or individuals have moved, these changes will be reflected in the next edition of the IAM Patent 1000.


About Harrity & Harrity, LLP

Harrity & Harrity is a leading patent preparation and prosecution firm specializing in the electrical and mechanical technology areas, and is considered a Go-To Firm for the Patent 300™.  Their clients trust in their high-quality work, experienced people, industry leading innovation, and outstanding service.


Average Claims and Figures

Visualizing Patent Claims and Figures Over Time

How have the number of patent claims and patent figures changed over time?

Let’s let the numbers speak for themselves.  I recommend that you use the full screen mode for this visualization.  Click on the full screen icon on the right.

The interactive visualization above provides a clear indication that at a high level for US utility patents, the average number of claims have gone down over time, while the average number of figures have gone up.  In 2005, the average number of claims per patent was 18.83, while the average number of figures was 12.04.  Compare that to 2019, where the average number of claims per patent was 16.22, and the average number of figures was 14.84.

The reasons for these changes are open to interpretation but the data shows some very interesting outliers to the averages when you slice the data by art unit.  For example, when you look at the business method art units of 3621-3629, the data shows the exact opposite from the entire patent field as a whole.  In 2006, the average number of claims per patent was 24.83, and the average number of figures was 17.00.

The xml data powering the Power BI visualization above is automatically downloaded weekly by our patent analytics system from the USPTO using the Bulk Data Storage System.

To learn more about how you can use patent analytics to inform your practice, visit our Patent Analytics website HERE.


This week in Amazon Patents – 4/21/2020

Amazon innovates in a wide range of technology areas including e-commerce, logistics, uavs, robotics, networking, cybersecurity, cloud technology and more.  This week, I review the patents obtained by Amazon and summarize the technology areas covered by their patents, as well as, highlight one or two interesting technologies.

Weekly Summary

Amazon obtained 43 US utility patents and 3 US design patents.  Networking technology is the largest area with 9 patents, followed by virtual machines with 3.  There are several patents in the areas of uav/robot delivery and warehouse robots.  See table for a summary of the technologies where Amazon obtained patents.

Interesting Patent

One interesting patent this week is patent 10,628,790 titled “Automated floor expansion using an unmanned fiducial marker placement unit”.  This invention describes how an unmanned robot can expand the floor of a warehouse by placing fiducial markers on the floor instead of a human being having to place the markers on the floor.

Amazon continues to innovate by introducing automation and unmanned robots throughout the inventory management and logistics.

For more information about any of these technology areas or for a patent analysis on Amazon’s patent portfolio, please reach out to me via email at

Patent 300® Report Ranks Most Innovative Companies

WASHINGTON (February 13, 2020) Harrity Patent Analytics has released the much-anticipated publication of the annual Patent 300®.  The Patent 300® is a distinctive compilation of the top 300 companies, organizations, and universities in the patent field, based on quantities of issued U.S. utility patents.  It is considered the intellectual property industry’s premier resource for patent insight and competitive intelligence on the world’s leaders in technology.

Ranging from tech giants, such as IBM (#1) and Samsung (#2), to leading universities, like University of California (#67) and MIT (#121), and newcomers, including Nielsen (#207) and Pure Storage (#341), the Patent 300® represents 54 percent of the more than 350,000 U.S. utility patents issued in 2019.

Key findings and trends from the Patent 300® include:

  • A few notable mergers and divestitures occurred among Patent 300® companies in 2019:
    • IBM acquired Red Hat, further securing their place at the top of the list
    • Broadcom (#83) acquired CA, Inc., jumping from #118 last year to #83
    • Commscope (#89) acquired Arris, boosting them from #133 last year to #89
    • DowDuPont, #38 on the previous Patent 300® list, split into Dow (#96), DuPont (not ranked), and Corteva (#92)
  • Capital One (#79) jumped 127 spots on the list, more than tripling their issued patents from the previous year
  • 27 previously unranked organizations joined the Patent 300®, including Bristol Myers Squibb (#150), Tata Sons (#264), and Splunk (#269)
  • 20 previously ranked organizations dropped off the list, including Uber, Nintendo, and Symantec

This year’s Patent 300® includes an interactive dashboard in which users can filter data by technology area, art unit, and more.  The addition of this feature will allow in-house counsel, law firm partners, marketing professionals, and c-suite executives to quickly generate insight into patent portfolios, competitors, and technology areas.

“The interactive Patent 300® dashboard is an exciting new addition to the Patent 300® this year”, says Rocky Berndsen, Head of Patent Analytics at Harrity.  “This tool gives you the ability to easily find detailed patent prosecution metrics on thousands of companies and law firms with a few clicks of the mouse.”

The ranking of the top 300 companies, organizations and universities and interactive dashboard can be found HERE.

Access to the Patent 300® Premium Interactive Dashboard is available upon request.

About Harrity Patent Analytics

Harrity Patent Analytics, a team of professionals within the boutique IP law firm of Harrity & Harrity, LLP, uses cutting-edge capabilities to analyze patent data and extract insights for strategic decisions regarding patent portfolios.  Patent 300® companies rely on Harrity Patent Analytics services to better understand their own patent portfolios, those of their competitors, their key technology areas, and to keep track of patent office trends around the world.  For more information, visit


top patent firms

2019 Top Patent Firms List Announced

WASHINGTON (January 14, 2020) – Harrity Patent Analytics is pleased to announce the publication of its annual list of top patent law firms.  The 2019 Top Patent Firms” list ranks industry leading patent law firms based on the total number of U.S. utility patents issued in 2019. 

The 2019 Top Patent Firms list comes with some significant changes from years prior, including an interactive dashboard and exclusive metrics.  We have collected and analyzed data on more than 300,000 patents obtained by over 3000 different law firms, which we have turned into an interactive online dashboard that allows users to filter data by firm, technology area, and USPTO technology center.  This gives both patent law firms and Patent 300 companies a better understanding of who is obtaining the most patents in the U.S.,” explains Rocky Berndsen, Head of Patent Analytics at Harrity.  “We are also offering premium analytics that delve deeper into detailed patent prosecution metrics, giving law firms and Patent 300™ companies more insights into the robust analytics of specific law firms.” 

The Top Patent Firms dashboard includes patent firms that have obtained at least 50 U.S. utility patents where the patent firms are listed on the front of the utility patents. Company legal departments have not been eliminated from the list.  The full list is available here.

About Harrity Patent Analytics 

Harrity Patent Analytics, an analytical team within the boutique IP law firm of Harrity & Harrity, LLP, uses cutting-edge capabilities to analyze patent data and extract insights for clients to use when making strategic decisions regarding patent portfolios.  Patent 300™ companies rely on Harrity Patent Analytics services to understand their patent portfolios, the patent portfolios of their competitors, and patent office trends around the world.  For more information, visit 


Top Companies in Blockchain Patents

By Rocky Berndsen

Blockchain is an emerging technology that has taken the world by storm.  In October 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto published a seminal paper, titled “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System“, and the age of blockchain was born.  Since then, entrepreneurs and large corporations have explored implementation of blockchain technology in financial transactions, smart contracts, automotive, retail, healthcare, energy, utilities, travel, supply chain, and gaming, among other industries.

Based on our analysis of active patents & pending applications, blockchain-related filings have increased significantly around the world in recent years.  For instance, there were only 126 filings in 2014, but by 2017 there were over 3,700 applications filed in the blockchain space.  In 2018, a year in which not all the filings have yet become public, there have already been over 8,200 filings.  The growth curve in blockchain filings is truly exponential.  It will be interesting to see over the coming years whether this trend continues.


Page 1 highlights the top players in the blockchain space, page 2 highlights the filing trends, and page 3 highlights the patent issuance trends.  You can click on elements (e.g., country code, company name, type filter, filing date filter) of the dashboard to filter the data.

The geographic distribution of filings is also very interesting.  To date, over 10,000 blockchain filings occurred in China, more than half of all blockchain related filings worldwide.  According to a recent Forbes article, nearly 70% of crypto mining activity occurs in China, creating significant interest in protecting IP in the crypto currency space.  The top ten filers of chinese patent applications in the blockchain space are as follows:

China Blockchain Patent Applications Filed (as of 10/1/2019)
RankCompanyActive Patents & Pending Applications
3Hangzhou Fuzamei163
4Ping An151
6Shenzhen Launch102
8Zhongan IT89
9Shenzhen Oneconnect77
10Shenzhen Onething74

Notably, the U.S. has the second most blockchain filings, with over 2,700 filings.  In the U.S., the top ten filers of patent applications in the blockchain space are as follows:

US Blockchain Patent Applications Filed (as of 10/1/2019)
RankCompanyActive Patents & Pending Applications
3Bank of America81
10TD Bank28

In comparison, the top ten U.S. patent owners in the blockchain space are as follows:

US Blockchain Patents Issued (as of 10/1/2019)
RankCompanyActive Patents
3Bank of America24
5Winklevoss IP13
6Capital One12
8Vijay Madisetti9
9TD Bank9
10Blockchain Asics7

According to a recent report published by Accenture PLC, worldwide spending on blockchain solutions has a forecast annual growth rate (CAGR) of 76.0%, reaching $12.4 billion in 2022.  The blockchain space is still in the early stages of development, and it will be interesting to see how the technology evolves and who else enters the space.

To learn more about how Harrity Patent Analytics can help you find insights into the patent world, contact us via email HERE.

Top 20 Semiconductor and Energy Companies US 2018

Semiconductors and Memory Ranks as the #1 Technology Area in the 2019 Patent 300™ Report

By Rocky Berndsen

The 2019 Patent 300™ Report details the top 300 companies, organizations, and universities obtaining patents in the United States.  Data from the report shows that nearly 70% of the U.S. patents obtained in 2018 were for electrical, software, or computer-related technologies.  The top 10 technology areas, which represent 49% of the 167,164 U.S. patents obtained by Patent 300 companies in 2018, are dominated by electrical technologies.

Chart 1 shows the Semiconductors and Memory technology area ranked highest in 2018.  There were 15,153 patents issued for Patent 300 companies in the U.S.  Semiconductors and Memory technology covers multiple United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) technology classifications.  Included are processes for manufacturing semiconductors and solid-state devices.  Also included are processes and apparatus for addressing, accessing and controlling, and forming memory addresses in a computer or digital data processing system.

Chart 1 – Top 10 Technology Areas for Patent 300 (2018 U.S. Patents)

RankPatent 300 Technology Area2018 U.S. PatentsPercentage of Total 2018 U.S. Patents
2Electrical Circuits and Systems13,2158%
3Multiplex and VoIP9,8756%
5Printing/Measuring and Testing8,6415%
6Thermal & Combustion Technology, Motive & Fluid Power Systems7,0174%
7Selective Visual Display Systems4,8553%
8Telecommunications: Analog Radio Telephone; Satellite and Power Control; Transceivers, Measuring and Testing; Bluetooth; Receivers and Transmitters; Equipment Details4,7613%
9Computer Networks4,5443%
10Cryptography and Security4,3113%

The top 20 companies in the Semiconductors and Memory area, shown in Chart 2, include Taiwan Semiconductor (#1), Samsung (#2), IBM (#3), Micron (#4), and others.  Taiwan Semiconductor tops the list having obtained 1,972 U.S. patents, up slightly from 2017.  Samsung had 1,522 U.S. patents, down nearly 15% from 2017.  IBM, at 1,318, was up slightly from 2017.  The top 20 companies represent a cross-section of the technology sector.  Included are chip makers, device makers, and various electronics companies.

Chart 2 – Top 20 Companies by U.S. Patents in Semiconductors and Memory

Patent 300 Company NamePatent 300 Rank in Semiconductors and MemorySemiconductor and Memory Patents 2018% of Company’s 2018 U.S. PatentsSemiconductor and Memory Patents 2017Change from 2017 Patents
Taiwan Semiconductor1197279%18934%
Mubadala Investment559372%687-16%
Semiconductor Energy Lab647855%587-23%
SK Hynix746858%652-39%
Toshiba Memory841960%468-12%
United Microelectronics1331893%326-3%
LG Display1622433%2164%
Western Digital1721529%330-53%
Texas Instruments1917822%212-19%
Fuji Electric2017652%12827%

For more detailed information about this technology area, or any other data related to the 2019 Patent 300™ Report, please visit or contact Rocky Berndsen directly via email at

Patent 300™ Automotive Sector by 2018 US Patents

Toyota Tops Auto Market in Patent 300™

By Rocky Berndsen

Big head, long tail.  This isn’t the description of an exotic animal, rather it describes the automotive sector of the Patent 300™.  The top 25 auto companies and parts makers obtained more than 14,000 utility patents in 2018, but the top five obtained 60% of them.

The report, which details the top 300 companies, organizations, and universities receiving utility patents in the U.S. last year, shows that the top 25 companies in the automotive space were awarded patents in a variety of areas, from the expected (Surface Transportation for Honda, Ford and GM) to the unexpected (Wells, Earth Boring/Moving for BMW, Magna and Schaeffler).

Toyota leads the pack with 2,554 patents obtained in 2018.  It is the No. 6 company in the Patent 300™ overall and has a leading position in several patent areas. The Japanese car maker is No. 1 in both Computerized Vehicle Controls and Fuel Cells and Batteries. It holds the No. 2 position in three areas: Surface Transportation; Material and Article Handling; and Static Structures, Supports and Furniture. It ranks No. 4 in Thermal & Combustion Technology, the area where it holds the highest number of its 2018 patents.

Ford is in second place with 2,149 patents and bests its rival, Toyota, to hold the No. 1 spot in both Surface Transportation and Static Structures, Supports and Furniture.  It holds the No. 2 spot in Computerized Vehicle Controls and in Vehicles and System Alarms.  It had most of its 2018 patents in Thermal & Combustion Technology, where it holds the No. 3 spot.  It is No. 15 overall in the Patent 300™.

South Korean car maker Hyundai rounds out the list at No. 3 with 1,539 patents.  It holds the No. 1 position in Material and Article Handling, the No. 3 position in Computerized Vehicle Controls and the No. 5 position in both Surface Transportation and Thermal & Combustion Technology.  Hyundai sits at No. 22 in the Patent 300™.

Those who follow the automotive field will recognize that the car makers’ rankings in the top three mirror their positions in Computerized Vehicle Controls, an area that includes utility patents for things that can control the direction and speed of a car, and controls for autonomous vehicles.  This is no coincidence, as cars become more and more automated and as the market moves toward autonomous vehicles.

Patent 300 Automotive Top 25

Parts manufacturers make up the other portion of the sector, including tire companies that are household names: Continental (9), Bridgestone (15), Sumitomo (16), and Michelin (23). These companies share top spots in the Tires technology area, including Sumitomo at No. 2, Bridgestone at No. 3, Michelin at No. 4.  In case you’re wondering, the No. 1 in this area, which includes adhesive bonding and plastic molding, is a company that tends to focus on much larger vehicles than others in the automotive space, namely Boeing, No. 32 in the Patent 300™.

The overall picture of the industry looks rosy, as car makers have obtained an increased number of patents year-over-year.  Toyota’s issued patents went up 41% from 2015 to 2018, and Ford, Hyundai, BMW and Mazda all experienced increases of more than 75% in the same period of time.

For more detailed information about this technology area, or any other data related to the 2019 Patent 300™ Report, please visit or contact Rocky Berndsen directly via email at

Top 20 Electrical Circuits and Systems Companies patent 300 2019

Electrical Circuits and Systems Ranks as the #2 Technology Area in the 2019 Patent 300™ Report

By Rocky Berndsen

The 2019 Patent 300™ Report details the top 300 companies, organizations, and universities obtaining patents in the United States.  Data from the report shows that nearly 70% of the U.S. patents obtained in 2018 were for electrical, software, or computer-related technologies.  The top 10 technology areas, which represent 49% of the 167,164 U.S. patents obtained by Patent 300 companies in 2018, are dominated by electrical technologies.

Chart 1 shows the Electrical Circuits and Systems technology area ranked 2rd largest in 2018.  There were 13,215 patents issued for Patent 300 companies in the U.S.  Electrical Circuits and Systems technology covers multiple United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) technology classifications.

Included are electrical systems and devices, covering a broad spectrum of electrical and electromagnetic systems, devices, and circuitry, as well as electrical connectors.

Chart 1 – Top 10 Technology Areas for Patent 300 (2018 U.S. Patents)

RankPatent 300 Technology Area2018 U.S. PatentsPercentage of Total 2018 U.S. Patents
2Electrical Circuits and Systems13,2158%
3Multiplex and VoIP9,8756%
5Printing/Measuring and Testing8,6415%
6Thermal & Combustion Technology, Motive & Fluid Power Systems7,0174%
7Selective Visual Display Systems4,8553%
8Telecommunications: Analog Radio Telephone; Satellite and Power Control; Transceivers, Measuring and Testing; Bluetooth; Receivers and Transmitters; Equipment Details4,7613%
9Computer Networks4,5443%
10Cryptography and Security4,3113%

The top 20 companies in the Electrical Circuits and Systems area, shown in Chart 2.  They include Murata (#1), Samsung (#2), Mitsubishi Electric (#3), GE (#4), and others.  Murata tops the list having obtained 458 U.S. patents, up 6% from 2017.  Samsung had 456 U.S. patents, down 11% from 2017.  Mitsubishi Electric, at 337, was down 4% from 2017.  The top 20 companies represent a cross-section of the technology sector.  Included are device makers, chip makers, and auto makers, and various manufacturing companies.

Chart 2 – Top 20 Companies by U.S. Patents in Electrical Circuits and Systems

Patent 300 Company NamePatent 300 RankPatents 2018Percentage of 2018 PatentsPatents 2017Change from 2017 Patents
Murata Manufacturing145861%4326%
Mitsubishi Electric333728%349-4%
Apple Inc.727813%24612%
Sumitomo Electric1122647%248-10%
Samsung Electro-mechanics1421465%17817%
Texas Instruments1621127%239-13%
TE Connectivity1820867%246-18%
Hon Hai2018839%296-57%

For more detailed information about this technology area, or any other data related to the 2019 Patent 300™ Report, please visit or contact Rocky Berndsen directly via email at

Optics Ranks as the #4 Technology Area in the 2019 Patent 300™ Report

By Rocky Berndsen

The 2019 Patent 300™ Report details the top 300 companies, organizations, and universities obtaining patents in the United States.  Data from the report shows that nearly 70% of the U.S. patents obtained in 2018 were for electrical, software, or computer-related technologies.  The top 10 technology areas, which represent 49% of the 167,164 U.S. patents obtained by Patent 300 companies in 2018, are dominated by electrical technologies.

Chart 1 shows the Optics technology area ranked the 4th largest in 2018.  There were 9,003 patents issued for Patent 300 companies in the U.S.  Optics covers the United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) technology classifications for apparatus and corresponding processes used for storing and retrieving optical or magneto-optical information.  The basis of the technology is relative movement between an optical storage carrier or medium and a transducer along a continuous path.

The class includes apparatus and corresponding processes for making copies or editing optical records, falling within the above definition.  It includes the transfer medium having a specific information storage structure.  The scope of the Optics technology class overlaps with other classes and subclasses.  It is an integral part of the class of patents covering Dynamic Information Storage or Retrieval.

Chart 1 – Top 10 Technology Areas for Patent 300 (2018 U.S. Patents)

RankPatent 300 Technology Area2018 U.S. PatentsPercentage of Total 2018 U.S. Patents
2Electrical Circuits and Systems13,2158%
3Multiplex and VoIP9,8756%
5Printing/Measuring and Testing8,6415%
6Thermal & Combustion Technology, Motive & Fluid Power Systems7,0174%
7Selective Visual Display Systems4,8553%
8Telecommunications: Analog Radio Telephone; Satellite and Power Control; Transceivers, Measuring and Testing; Bluetooth; Receivers and Transmitters; Equipment Details4,7613%
9Computer Networks4,5443%
10Cryptography and Security4,3113%

The top 20 companies in the Optics area, shown in Chart 2, are large global technology companies.  They include Samsung (#1), Canon (#2), BOE Technology (#3), TCL Corporation (#4), and others.  Samsung tops the list having obtained 672 U.S. patents, down from 2017.  Canon had 366 U.S. patents.  BOE Technology, at 326, was up 8% from 2017.  The top 20 companies represent a cross-section of the technology sector.

Chart 2 – Top 20 Companies by U.S. Patents in Telecommunications

Patent 300 Company NamePatent 300 Rank in OpticsOptics Patents 2018% of Company's 2018 U.S. PatentsOptics Patents 2017Change from 2017 Patents
Carl Zeiss524667%255-4%
Japan Display919832%212-7%
Seiko Epson1018414%203-10%
LG Display2011817%1079%

For more detailed information about this technology area, or any other data related to the 2019 Patent 300™ Report, please visit or contact Rocky Berndsen directly via email at

Printing or Measuring and Testing Ranks as the #5 Technology Area in the 2019 Patent 300™ Report

By Rocky Berndsen

The 2019 Patent 300™ Report details the top 300 companies, organizations, and universities obtaining patents in the United States.  Data from the report shows that nearly 70% of the U.S. patents obtained in 2018 were for electrical, software, or computer-related technologies.  The top 10 technology areas, which represent 49% of the 167,164 U.S. patents obtained by Patent 300 companies in 2018, are dominated by electrical technologies.

Chart 1 shows the Printing or Measuring, and Testing technology area ranked 5th largest in 2018.  There were 8,641 patents issued for Patent 300 companies in the U.S.  Printing or Measuring and Testing cover United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) technology classifications related to Printing and Measuring Technology, respectively.

Printing patents include means adapted to produce characters or designs on surfaces by the impression of types or dies.  Also included is applying coating material through the openings of a covering pattern sheet, such as stenciling. Printing patents also cover impression from graphic or intaglio surfaces.  These patents include organizations using a design or character dies that emboss, burn, or perforate, and that apply ink.

Measuring and Testing is the generic class for processes and apparatus for measuring of any kind or for any testing.  It includes all subjects not provided for in other classes.  The term “test” includes inspection, processes, and apparatus for examination or review not covered by other classes.  This class is the generic class for sampling and consists of all sampling apparatus and processes not otherwise classified.

Chart 1 – Top 10 Technology Areas for Patent 300 (2018 U.S. Patents)

RankPatent 300 Technology Area2018 U.S. PatentsPercentage of Total 2018 U.S. Patents
2Electrical Circuits and Systems13,2158%
3Multiplex and VoIP9,8756%
5Printing/Measuring and Testing8,6415%
6Thermal & Combustion Technology, Motive & Fluid Power Systems7,0174%
7Selective Visual Display Systems4,8553%
8Telecommunications: Analog Radio Telephone; Satellite and Power Control; Transceivers, Measuring and Testing; Bluetooth; Receivers and Transmitters; Equipment Details4,7613%
9Computer Networks4,5443%
10Cryptography and Security4,3113%

The top 20 companies in the Printing or Measuring and Testing area, shown in Chart 2, are large global technology companies.  They include Canon (#1), Seiko Epson (#2), Brother (#3), HP (#4), and others.  Canon tops the list having obtained 843 U.S. patents, up 8% from 2017.  Seiko Epson had 496 U.S. patents. Brother Industries, at 353, was down 1% from 2017.  The top 20 companies represent a cross-section of the technology sector.  Included are device makers and software producers, auto makers, and electronics companies.

Chart 2 – Top 20 Companies by U.S. Patents in Telecommunications

Patent 300 Company NamePatent 300 RankPatents 2018Percentage of 2018 PatentsPatents 2017Change from 2017 Patents
Seiko Epson249639%536-8%
Konica Minolta1317426%13522%
Robert Bosch1416513%176-7%
Taiwan Semi20974%111-14%

For more detailed information about this technology area, or any other data related to the 2019 Patent 300™ Report, please visit or contact Rocky Berndsen directly via email at

Thermal & Combustion Technology, Motive & Fluid Power Systems Ranks as the #6 Technology Area in the 2019 Patent 300™ Report

By Rocky Berndsen

The 2019 Patent 300™ Report details the top 300 companies, organizations, and universities obtaining patents in the United States.  Data from the report shows that nearly 70% of the U.S. patents obtained in 2018 were for electrical, software, or computer-related technologies.  The top 10 technology areas, which represent 49% of the 167,164 U.S. patents obtained by Patent 300 companies in 2018, are dominated by electrical technologies.

Chart 1 shows the Thermal & Combustion Technology, Motive & Fluid Power Systems technology ranked 6th largest in 2018.  There were 7,017 patents issued for Patent 300 companies in the U.S. Thermal & Combustion Technology, Motive & Fluid Power Systems covers several United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) technology classifications.  Motive Power Systems are systems of electrical supply and/or of control for one or more electric motors.  Electrical Systems and Devices, Power Supply or Regulation Systems, Electrothermally or Thermally Actuated Switches, are among the many possible classifications related to this technology area.

Chart 1 – Top 10 Technology Areas for Patent 300 (2018 U.S. Patents)

RankPatent 300 Technology Area2018 U.S. PatentsPercentage of Total 2018 U.S. Patents
2Electrical Circuits and Systems13,2158%
3Multiplex and VoIP9,8756%
5Printing/Measuring and Testing8,6415%
6Thermal & Combustion Technology, Motive & Fluid Power Systems7,0174%
7Selective Visual Display Systems4,8553%
8Telecommunications: Analog Radio Telephone; Satellite and Power Control; Transceivers, Measuring and Testing; Bluetooth; Receivers and Transmitters; Equipment Details4,7613%
9Computer Networks4,5443%
10Cryptography and Security4,3113%

The top 20 companies in the Thermal & Combustion Technology, Motive & Fluid Power Systems area are shown in Chart 2. They include UTX (#1), GE (#2), Ford (#3), Toyota (#4), and others.  United Technologies Corporation tops the list having obtained 906 U.S. patents, up 46% from 2017.  General Electric had a 6% increase over 2017 at 574 U.S. patents.  Ford, at 462, was down 4% from 2017.  The top 20 companies represent a cross-section of the manufacturing, transportation, and technology sectors. Included are automakers and supporting companies, tech companies, and other manufacturers.

Chart 2 – Top 20 Companies by U.S. Patents in Thermal & Combustion Technology, Motive & Fluid Power Systems

Patent 300 Company NamePatent 300 Rank in Thermal & Combustion Technology, Motive & Fluid Power SystemsThermal & Combustion Technology, Motive & Fluid Power Systems Patents 2018% of Company's 2018 U.S. PatentsThermal & Combustion Technology, Motive & Fluid Power Systems Patents 2017Change from 2017 Patents
Mitsubishi Electric1117515%191-9%
Robert Bosch1217113%176-3%
LG Electronics131436%148-3%
Mitsubishi Heavy1513841%161-17%

For more detailed information about this technology area, or any other data related to the 2019 Patent 300™ Report, please visit or contact Rocky Berndsen directly via email at

Selective Visual Display Systems Ranks as the #7 Technology Area in the 2019 Patent 300™ Report

By Rocky Berndsen

The 2019 Patent 300™ Report details the top 300 companies, organizations, and universities obtaining patents in the United States.  Data from the report shows that nearly 70% of the U.S. patents obtained in 2018 were for electrical, software, or computer-related technologies.  The top 10 technology areas, which represent 49% of the 167,164 U.S. patents obtained by Patent 300 companies in 2018, are dominated by electrical technologies.

Chart 1 shows the Selective Visual Display Systems technology area ranked 7th largest in 2018.  Selective Visual Display Systems covers United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) technology classifications related to processes and apparatus for selective, electrical control of two or more light-generating or light-controlling display elements. Processes and devices under these classifications use received or stored image data signal. The image data includes character, graphical information, or display attribute data.  Image data sources may consist of peripheral input devices, television signals, image data recognition, or computers.

This class also includes digital data processing systems or methods for visual presentation.  Data processing consists of the creation or manipulation of graphic objects (e.g., artificial images), or text.  The class includes telegraphy subclasses for digitizing writing tablets, styluses, and circuits.

Chart 1 – Top 10 Technology Areas for Patent 300 (2018 U.S. Patents)

RankPatent 300 Technology Area2018 U.S. PatentsPercentage of Total 2018 U.S. Patents
2Electrical Circuits and Systems13,2158%
3Multiplex and VoIP9,8756%
5Printing/Measuring and Testing8,6415%
6Thermal & Combustion Technology, Motive & Fluid Power Systems7,0174%
7Selective Visual Display Systems4,8553%
8Telecommunications: Analog Radio Telephone; Satellite and Power Control; Transceivers, Measuring and Testing; Bluetooth; Receivers and Transmitters; Equipment Details4,7613%
9Computer Networks4,5443%
10Cryptography and Security4,3113%

The top 20 companies in the Selective Visual Display Systems area, shown in Chart 2, are large global technology companies. Selective Visual Display Systems is an important technology area in the patent world with over 4,855 US patents in 2018 alone.  They include Samsung (#1), BOE Technology Group (#2), TCL (#3), Apple (#4), and others.  Samsung tops the list having obtained 909 US patents, up slightly from 2017.  BOE Technology had a 20% increase from 2017 at 481 US patents.  TCL, at 308, was up 28% from 2017. The top 20 companies represent a cross-section of the technology sector.  Included are device manufacturers, software, and media companies.

Chart 2 – Top 20 Companies by U.S. Patents in Selective Visual Display Systems

Patent 300 Company NamePatent 300 Rank in Selective Visual Display SystemsSelective Visual Display Systems Patents 2018% of Company’s 2018 U.S. PatentsSelective Visual Display Systems Patents 2017Change from 2017 Patents
LG Display524136%20415%
Japan Display621535%18713%
Seiko Epson10967%7918%
Semiconductor Energy Lab119411%940%
LG Electronics12924%113-23%
Microchip Technology186534%4235%

For more detailed information about this technology area, or any other data related to the 2019 Patent 300™ Report, please visit or contact Rocky Berndsen directly via email at

Telecommunications Top 20 Patent 300 2019

Telecommunications Ranks as the #8 Technology Area in the 2019 Patent 300™ Report

By Rocky Berndsen

The 2019 Patent 300™ Report details the top 300 companies, organizations, and universities obtaining patents in the United States.  Data from the report shows that nearly 70% of the U.S. patents obtained in 2018 were for electrical, software, or computer-related technologies.  The top 10 technology areas, which represent 49% of the 167,164 U.S. patents obtained by Patent 300 companies in 2018, are dominated by electrical technologies.

As is shown in Chart 1, the Telecommunications technology area is the 8th largest technology area in 2018 with 4,761 patents issued for Patent 300 companies in the U.S.  The Telecommunications technology area covers United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) technology classifications related to communications systems in which electric or electromagnetic signals are used to transmit modulated carrier wave information between points.  The transmission media is via radio wave generally of a frequency above human speech, yet at a frequency lower than infrared frequencies. Radiotelephonic communication via wireless link is included in this class.

Chart 1 – Top 10 Technology Areas for Patent 300 (2018 U.S. Patents)

RankPatent 300 Technology Area2018 U.S. PatentsPercentage of Total 2018 U.S. Patents
2Electrical Circuits and Systems13,2158%
3Multiplex and VoIP9,8756%
5Printing/Measuring and Testing8,6415%
6Thermal & Combustion Technology, Motive & Fluid Power Systems7,0174%
7Selective Visual Display Systems4,8553%
8Telecommunications: Analog Radio Telephone; Satellite and Power Control; Transceivers, Measuring and Testing; Bluetooth; Receivers and Transmitters; Equipment Details4,7613%
9Computer Networks4,5443%
10Cryptography and Security4,3113%

The top 20 companies in the Telecommunications area, shown in Chart 2, are large global technology companies.  They include Samsung (#1), Huawei (#2), Qualcomm (#3), LG (#4) and others.  Samsung tops the list having obtained 408 US patents, down slightly from 2017.  Huawei had a 23% increase over 2017 at 284 US patents. Qualcomm, at 277, was down 38% from 2017.  The top 20 companies represent a cross section of the technology sector.  Included are device manufacturers, wireless carriers, and media companies.

Chart 2 – Top 20 Companies by U.S. Patents in Telecommunications

Patent 300 Company NamePatent 300 Rank in TelecomTelecom Patents 2018% of Company’s 2018 U.S. PatentsTelecom Patents 2017Change from 2017 Patents
LG Electronics42309%2166%
Alphabet Inc.15924%113-23%
Deutsche Telekom177442%714%

For more detailed information about this technology area, or any other data related to the 2019 Patent 300™ Report, please visit or contact Rocky Berndsen directly via email at

Harrity Patent 300 Computer Networks

Computer Networks Ranks as the #9 Technology Area in the 2019 Patent 300™ Report

By Rocky Berndsen

The 2019 Patent 300™ Report details the top 300 companies, organizations, and universities obtaining patents in the United States.  Data from the report shows that nearly 70% of the U.S. patents obtained in 2018 were for electrical, software, or computer-related technologies.  The top 10 technology areas, which represent 49% of the 167,164 U.S. patents obtained by Patent 300 companies in 2018, are dominated by electrical technologies.

As is shown in Chart 1, the Computer Networks technology area is the 9th largest technology area in 2018 with over 4,540 patents issued for Patent 300 companies in the U.S.  The Computer Networks technology area covers United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) technology classifications related to electrical computer or digital data processing system or corresponding data processing method including apparatus or steps for transferring data or instruction information between a plurality of computers wherein the computers employ the data or instructions before or after transferring and the employing affects said transfer of data or instruction information.

Chart 1 – Top 10 Technology Areas for Patent 300 (2018 U.S. Patents)

RankPatent 300 Technology Area2018 U.S. PatentsPercentage of Total 2018 U.S. Patents
2Electrical Circuits and Systems13,2158%
3Multiplex and VoIP9,8756%
5Printing/Measuring and Testing8,6415%
6Thermal & Combustion Technology, Motive & Fluid Power Systems7,0174%
7Selective Visual Display Systems4,8553%
8Telecommunications: Analog Radio Telephone; Satellite and Power Control; Transceivers, Measuring and Testing; Bluetooth; Receivers and Transmitters; Equipment Details4,7613%
9Computer Networks4,5443%
10Cryptography and Security4,3113%

When you look at the top 20 companies obtaining patents in the Computer Networks technology area, shown in Chart 2, all of the companies are large global technology companies such as IBM (#1), Amazon (#2), Alphabet (#5), and Facebook (#8).  IBM ranks #1 on the list having obtained 845 U.S. patents in the Computer Networks technology area, which is a 5% increase over 2017.  9% of IBM’s U.S. patents obtained in 2018 are classified in the Computer Networks technology area.  Samsung (#7) has the largest year over year increase in Computer Networks patents at 33%, while Nokia (#17) had the largest decrease at -62%.  While the companies in the top 20 are all large global technology companies, they cover a range of industries including enterprise IT, social media, telecommunications, consumer electronics, and more.

Chart 2 – Top 20 Companies by U.S. Patents in Computer Networks

Patent 300 Company NamePatent 300 Rank in Computer NetworksComputer Networks Patents 2018% of Company’s 2018 U.S. PatentsComputer Networks Patents 2017Change from 2017 Patents
Red Hat194715%52-11%

For more detailed information about this technology area, or any other data related to the 2019 Patent 300™ Report, please visit or contact Rocky Berndsen directly via email at

Patent 300 Harrity Analytics

Law360 Covers the Release of Harrity’s Patent 300™ Report

Following the release of Harrity’s Patent 300™ Report, Law360 published an article, “IBM, Samsung, Canon Led 2018 Patent Gains, Report Says,” highlighting the key features and benefits of the patent rankings. The Patent 300™ Report lists companies, organizations and universities by the number of utility patents they received in 2018.

As the Law360 article describes, “The report, totaling more than 1,200 pages, takes a deep dive into each ranked company. For example, it breaks down that IBM has a revenue of nearly $80 billion and more than 360,000 employees. It then shows that the company received 9,111 utility patents in 2018.”

According to Rocky Berndsen, head of Harrity Patent Analytics, “The goal was really to provide something that’s going to be valuable across the spectrum of the IP community.” In-house attorneys can use the report to compare themselves against other companies, and law firms can leverage information in the report to develop business for their clients.

A spokesperson for Intel praised the report for recognizing innovation in the tech industry. “Every day, our engineers and other employees push the boundaries of computing and communication technologies, and we’re proud that the value of their inventions is recognized.”

Find the Law360 article HERE (subscription required) and more information on the Patent 300™ Report here.